IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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A group of people proposes that encouraging and inspiring learners is the main motive of the teachers whereas others contend that their predominant role is to disseminate knowledge. I completely support the former view t
As the education department nowadays keeps upgrading, there is a plethora of people assume that children must be got heated in the study by teachers in order to be more efficient, on the other hand, the rest vast majorit
There is a debate regarding the role of a lecturer. Some argue that it is to give pupils motivation and inspiration. On the other hand, some people believe it is rather to distribute expertise instead. In my opinion, bot
Nowadays a lot of people prefer e-books instead of books. However there is people who didn’t change their opinion and they think that boils is much better.
In Thailand, people consider teachers as role models for students. Not only do they have to teach knowledge to children, but they also teach other things such as manners and have to care for them like their own children.
A Concourse of people advocates that children are the backbone of a nation. They are the ones who have the leverage to take a nation's prestige on sky. According to my standpoint, tutees bear the great responsibility tow
It is no doubt that the teacher is one of the primary factors of a successful learning process. Some people believe the main role of the teacher is to teach students so that they can pass the exams. On the other hand, so
In recent years, there had been a controversy about the role of teachers among school children. Some argue that it is mainly to pass on knowledge and others are of the opinion that it involves motivation and inspiration
In recent years, there had been a controversy about the role of teachers among school children. Some argue that it mainly to pass on knowledge and others are of the opinion that its involved motivation and inspiration as
Children spend much of their time with teachers from an early age. Some people advocate that school teachers are responsible to be role model role models for their students, while others claim that teachers' priority r
Education plays an important role for offspring. Some people believe that teacher’s main role is to transfer knowledge only. However, I support those who believe that school teachers are responsible to motivate and inspi
Now a days children can learn each and everything over Internet from their home, without actually having to go to school. In this essay I will discuss, to what extent this idea can use-full for school going children. Int
Teachers are a great resource for everyone in the academy. It is believed that having a great teacher will give enlistment guidance on their future ahead. Some say the role of teachers is to motivate while others say tha
Identifying what responsibility of instructors in the classroom is becoming an argument among people. Either it is accountability giving motivation and inspiration or providing academic literature only for winning examin
School lecturers play a very important role in students motivation and the drive to learn. It is considered by many that sharing their understanding is the only job required from tutors to school pupils. However, I stron
There is no doubt of the role that a teacher plays in a child's education. Some people believe that the primary role of a teacher is to motivate students, whilst others believe their role is to pass on knowledge. I parti
Teachers play a very prominent role in a student's life. They usually have a greater influence on them after their parents and immediate family. It is generally believed that a good teacher is the one who not only teach
There is a tendency to believe that the fundamental role of a teacher is to prepare academic documents and deliver them to the pupils efficiently. However, many people argued that being a tutor involves much more than ex
It is an undeniable fact that teachers play a significant role in shaping a child’s future. While many believe that a teacher’s aspect to educate students, others believe that they should act as a beacon of hope and insp
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