IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The modes of education have been changed drastically over the years. It is argued that, more time is given to learning theory than the practicals in all levels of learning. I completely agree with this statement due to t
Under the current education system, most schools teach students authoritative books rather than hands-on experiences. Some people vote for this way, while most people simply don’t reflect on this system and obey the rule
In the era of education,learning is a crucial factor than before.Some people believe that the educational system is more focused on learning facts instead of hand-in-experience.So,this subject exists ranges from students
Nowadays, the role of education has been altered to be a beneficial factor in the development of both societies and individuals. Yet, there remains a contentious debate as to whether the learning concepts are more accent
These days, we can observe that students are engaged with a long curriculum schedule from primary school to university graduation. Some people think that it is a common practice amongst many students to keep on learnin
It is believed that learning has two ways to be achieved, either by learning facts or practising the skill.Recently, this topic has been a heated debate between proponents and opponents , for proponents' perspective is s
Nowadays, common educational culture consists of a lot of theoretical knowledge and their priority is not doing more practice. I totally disagree with this idea. This essay will examine two main drawbacks to this perspec
It is constantly argued whether the curriculums of the schooling system provide enough practical experience to their students to bag job opportunities when they step into the industry. I agree with the statement, followi
Few are of the opinion that the knowledge gained in any educational institution, from elementary schools to graduate colleges, does not suffice to face the realistic hurdles of life. I completely agree with the aforement
From times immemorial,it has been of practice to provide education to children ,right from primary to secondary levels until the university where it is argued that the priority is given to its theoretical aspect than the
All levels of education are vital for humans’ development in every aspect of life. According to some individuals, educational institutes are focused on theories rather than hands-on experience. While I am disagreeing wit
It is often said that a lot of time is being wasted on theoretical learning rather than practical knowledge for students at all levels of study. However, I strongly agree with this Idea because the bad impacts of this ac
Nowadays education has an important role in young people life. One must ponder how these organizations is influent in majority students life. This essay will explore arguments toward explain facts is fundamental to every
It is argued by some that compulsory education and higher education courses are more theory and are less practical. I completely agree opinion and in this essay I will state the reasons for my view.
Lots of time being used on learning facts rather than studying practical skills appear in different stages of education which range from primary schools to universities. I agree with that. The particular test standard an
Lots of time being used on learning facts rather than studying practical skills appear in different stages of education which range from primary schools to universities. I agree with that. The particular test standard a
It is controversial that most of the time students have to engage in theoretical factors instead of practical aspects of the subjects during their academic life. In my point of view, I strongly agree with this statement,
In general, the average time to complete the education from lower grade to a degree takes around twenty plus years. Some individuals argue that in this time span current education systems must include a more practical sy
Education is a mandatory thing that people must have to train a framework of thinking. There is an opinion that every education level from primary schools until universities is busier giving facts to students rather than
Each person should learn some skill in his life. Schools and universities are the formal center that we can learn many things. unfourtunetly, all levels of education, frm primary to universities, to much time is spent on
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