IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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"Do not judge by appearances, a rich heart may be under a poor coat". There is a view that a person's culture and personality can be established simply by recognizing the clothes they choose to wear. From my personal sta
Some would argue that to identify a person's ethnicity is through their clothing. However, I strongly disagree with this notion because most people nowadays wear almost similar fashion that belongs to a specific country
Among most people, it is often argued that our selection of clothing and wearing style can provide information about our nature and society to other communities. Despite the fact that not everyone wears what actually the
it is certainly a very interesting question, Does what a person wears tell us so much about theirculture and personality or not, I tend to agree that clothes can tell us some basic things, but that they do not tell us mu
It is said that outfit preferences can tell about people’s culture and personalities. I completely disagree with this view since the exterior look of a person may not be an identifier of a cultural background and perso
The external look usually has an important value to many people. This led to an argument about whether the outside looks really tell anything about the people's personal details. While some people argue that this looks e
Fashion is one of the most necessary products in our life. Some opinions argued that choosing clothes reflects their cultural value and personal characteristics. However, many people do not agree with this statement. Thi
Some individuals believe that someone's clothing habits imply his/her culture and character. In my opinion, I totally disagree with the statement, as people cannot be judged by the clothes that they wear. This essay is t
It is argued by some masses that a person's culture and personality cannot be fully comprehended by the clothes he chooses to wear. This essay will partially agree with the statement.
Part of humanity claims that it is likely to happen to talk much regarding human culture and personality depending on their dress selection. I definitely agree with this point, and give examples to verify it in this essa
In this modern era, most people give priority to clothes including children. According to a recent survey, the average person's income spends half of the budget on clothes. While some folks concur that we can define the
These days, a few people argue that it is fair to judge a person's culture and nature by the style of his dressing. Well, I completely disagree with this point and in the following ,paragraphs I will put forth, why I sup
Today, there is a substantial data that teenagers tend to commit offences in the different countries. The reasons of their behaviour can be various. In this essay, the most probable motives will be discussed and explaine
It is argued by some people that the selection of clothes defines a person's cultural values and personality. I partially agree with the statement. Although dresses define a nation's cultural importance, on the other ha
In this contemporary era, it is widely considered that one can easily understand the values and beliefs of an individual by looking at their attire. This essay will discuss my complete agreement extensively in the subseq
It is a basic human nature of judging and creating an opinion about any person they come across in day-to-day life. Some believe one’s culture and tradition can be established by simply observing how they dress. In my vi
Some fellow believe that the choice of cloths from a person tell a lot about their culture and character. Relating to this statement, I definitely agree as cloth is one of the primary aspect of human appearance that visi
A highly controversial issue today relates to whether clothes reflect a individual's culture and character or not. In this essay, I am going to examine this question from both points of view and then explain why I disagr
In this modern era, a fashion lifestyle has become a trend recently times towards humans.However, some folks concur that it exposes the personality character and culture based upon the choice of dressing sense. In my opi
The importance of people's clothing style which was always debatable has now become more controversial with many people claiming that it is horses while others reject this notion. The substantial influence of this trend
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