IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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There is growing sentiment today that parents should push their children to act more in some extracurricular activities in their leisure time. While others believe that it is more crucial if children learn to study and w
There is no denying the fact that the main impact of group activities on children is arguable. While it is a commonly held belief that participating in group events for children may have some advantages for them. However
Some individuals argue that parents should support the young adults to participate in group activities in their leisure time while other people oppose this view and want children to learn while staying on their own. Howe
Some individuals argue that parents should support young adults to participate in group activities in their leisure time while other people oppose this view and want children to learn while staying on their own. However,
In a developing modern world, children are more likely to get engaged in organised group activities in their leisure time, thus they can make their free time more actively and can develop themselves in a more fun way. By
Few individuals assume that parents should motivate their youngsters to take part in organised group activities in their leisure time. However, others claim that it is major for children to learn how to occupy themselves
Some people think that their kids should take part in volunteering projects. Whereas, other parents say that children should learn how to effort on their own. In my point of view, children should work in organised groups
Nowadays, the way children occupy themselves in their free time have become a popular topic among parents worldwide. Some are of the opinion that children should partake in group activities in their spare time, while oth
It is often argued that parents should have their offspring partake in organizational activities, while others might propose that children are encouraged to solve problems by themselves. This essay will discuss both thes
Nowadays, engagement in extra-curricular activities plays a vital role in the growth of good qualities in a child. Some advocates believe that it is parents' responsibility to ensure their children pursue active particip
Some people believe that parents should motivate their children to spend spare time in group activities, while others that kids should learn to spend free time in their own way. I personally agree with the latter point o
Some people believe that parents should motivate their children to spend spare time in group activities, while others and I think that kids should learn to spend free time in their own way.
People in society have been divided into two groups on one matter of thought which is : whether minors should be able to entertain themselves individually or they ought to participate in group activities in their leisur
It is often said that it is beneficial for children to participate in team events during their leisure time, while others are against this statement. I believe it is better for teenagers to utilize their free time to soc
Raising children is no doubt one of the most challenging and rewarding tasks we, as humans, can undertake. It is important that we strive to do our best in this as our descendants will become our future leaders. Some say
Some people believe that children should collaborate with others and participate in group activities. However, others believe that they should learn to enjoy their own company. In my opinion, a child should learn both of
Children's upbringing is a challenge in itself . It is like experiencing your own childhood .As people argue about how to raise children At a younger age. Most people argue that parent should monitor their activities a
Some believe that kids need to be able to find their interests and spend time on their own to perfect their skills, while others argue that children would benefit more from having good quality time in the group outings a
My first point of view about the topic, exactly the first point: encourage parents, I agree completly because is the best way to grow the childrens social skill and give very strong in the personal development these acti
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