IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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There are many ways to improve general social wellness. Some poeople believe that increasing physical activity facilites is important, while others argues that other measures are required. In this essay, i will discuss b
It is inevitable true that health is one of the major issues nowadays.Some people believe that if more sports activities are provided to the community it will help to improve people's health and I support this view.Howev
Some people believe that a great public health depends on sports facilities while others in favor of it is not sufficient and needs some measures too. Both perspectives have valid points.
Some people believe that great public health depends on sports facilities while others in favour of it are not sufficient and need some measures too. Both perspectives have valid points.
There are various ways to improve public health. Somebody believe that increasing physical activity equipment is a crucial way while others argue that this has little effect and other things should be involved. In this e
In recent years, the debate over enhancing public health has intensified. While some advocate for increasing sports facilities as the primary solution, others argue that this approach is insufficient and that alternative
With the improvement of living levels, people come to pay more attention to their health condition. Some people believe that public health will be enhanced if there are more exercise facilities. However, I do not complet
In today’s society, people’s perspectives on public health have diverged. With the rise of health awareness, the question of whether building more gyms and sports centers is the most crucial approach to enhancing public
Careful consideration must be given to whether or not having too many elders is beneficial for the society. From the writer's perspective, the drawbacks of postponing economic growths and financial pressures on the gover
Some people argue that opening sports facilities can improve the health of individuals, while others believe that it would not have much effect, and an alternative approach is needed. In my opinion, although doing sports
While some people believe that adding more and more sports centres is the best way to improve people's health, others think there are better ways to do this. Although increasing the number of gyms would motivate people t
In recent years, it has become prevalent that citizens are more likely to do exercises. Some people believe that enhacing the number of sports facilities is beneficial to motivate people to do sports, while some may argu
Although many individuals believe that the perfect path to advance public health is by raising the figure of sports facilities, others argue that this has less influence. In my opinion, I consider that by having more spo
Some people think that the general well-being of the population will improve if we have more facilities for people to do sports. However, others believe that this will have little impact on public health, and another app
Some people think that the general well-being of the population will improve if we have more facilities for people to do sports. However, others believe that this will have little impact on public health, and another app
As far as I`m concerned a group of people are agree with increasing health with doing some activities and the other one are positive with isn`t really work I`m going to explain about both of this ideas however, I have to
There are widely differing views on the issue that the best way of improving health is by increasing the number of sports facilities, while others think that sports is not enough for the improved health in the society. I
Staying healthy is the main goal of people around the world. Some people argue that in order to improve the health of local public, the best way is to increase the number of local sports amenities. I believe, that taking
It is said that increasing the quantity of sports facilities is the best way to improve public health while some believe that other factors are required. In my aspect, I agree with the second notion.
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