IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Careful consideration must be given to whether or not having too many elders is beneficial for the society. From the writer's perspective, the drawbacks of postponing economic growths and financial pressures on the gover
Some people argue that opening sports facilities can improve the health of individuals, while others believe that it would not have much effect, and an alternative approach is needed. In my opinion, although doing sports
While some people believe that adding more and more sports centres is the best way to improve people's health, others think there are better ways to do this. Although increasing the number of gyms would motivate people t
In recent years, it has become prevalent that citizens are more likely to do exercises. Some people believe that enhacing the number of sports facilities is beneficial to motivate people to do sports, while some may argu
Although many individuals believe that the perfect path to advance public health is by raising the figure of sports facilities, others argue that this has less influence. In my opinion, I consider that by having more spo
Some people think that the general well-being of the population will improve if we have more facilities for people to do sports. However, others believe that this will have little impact on public health, and another app
Some people think that the general well-being of the population will improve if we have more facilities for people to do sports. However, others believe that this will have little impact on public health, and another app
As far as I`m concerned a group of people are agree with increasing health with doing some activities and the other one are positive with isn`t really work I`m going to explain about both of this ideas however, I have to
There are widely differing views on the issue that the best way of improving health is by increasing the number of sports facilities, while others think that sports is not enough for the improved health in the society. I
It is argued that, to increase the quality of public health, more sports facilities are necessary. However, not everyone agrees with this proposal. Many people believe that it would be ineffective and that other alternat
It is well known that it needs to get good quality both physical side and psychology side for the health of people. Some people believe that increasing the number of sports facilities can solve that problem. I do not agr
While some think that adding more and more sports centres is the most beneficial way to improve the community's health, others believe that there are better ways to do this. Although increasing the number of gyms would m
To live a standard life, a person has to be physically healthy. A more important effect of a public welfare is to increasing sport related facilities. Others believe that this is inadequate, there are other factors which
To live a standard life one has to own physical well-being. There are people who believe that the most efficient way of enhancing public well-being comes from increasing the number of amenities related to sports while ot
Nowadays, public health has become a debatable issue as one school of thought believes that by encouraging sports activities, the health issues of the population can be resolved while other groups of people argue that th
Public health is a multifaceted concern, and the approaches to enhancing it vary widely. While some argue that an increase in sports facilities is the key to a healthier society, others contend that this strategy falls s
Public health is a major concern in the community. Although many people consider increasing the sports amenities can improve public health, others believe that there are also numerous factors that affect public health. I
It is sometimes discussed what is the optimal plan that could be put into practice so as to have healthier citizens. It has been proposed that more sports facilities should be built, whilst others said that such a measur
There is a fact that exercising have an undeniable effect on general health. Some people think that the number of sport faculties can strongly have a positive effect on public health, meanwhile others believe that it ca
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