IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Some individuals claim that if people want to enhance their health and keep healthy, they should increase a number of sports sections, while others claim that it can lowly impacted on public health.
Health deterioration becomes a public problem, so each individual and government think of workable ways to improve public health. Some people hold the opinion that providing more sports centers or health clubs is the mos
Physical activities like sports improve well-being. Few people argue that by raising the number of sports facilities the health of the public will get improved, while others say that it may have an impact on the citizen'
To prevent public disease and improve people's health, a part of society considered sports facilities are crucial, while some people disagreed about the argument. Others claim that this solution would not solve the probl
To prevent public disease and improve people health, a part of society considered sports facilities are crucial, while some people disagreed about the argument. Others claim that this solution would not solve the problem
A group of people assert that the overall level health of the community will upgrade by increment in sports equipment and playgrounds. However, some people think that other measures should be taken in order to enhancemen
There is an opinion that the government should allocate substantial financial resources to constructing numerous sports facilities in order to boost public health. I, along with many other individuals, disagree with this
Nowadays, people are more aware of their health and fitness. Many experts believe that the most effective pathway to improve health and fitness is by increasing the number of recreational facilities, whereas some public
Whether or not, growing the number of sports equipment is the most suitable idea to enhance the health of residents. This writer contends that this solution can have an extremely positive impact on local healthcare owing
Nowadays, some people think that increasing the numerous sorts of game facilities is the best way to increase public health. In contrast, some individuals believe that this would have less effect on their energy and othe
Nowadays, there are many individuals who have extra weight and have unhealthy lifestyle. As a result, one group of people reckons that in order to improve public health authority must built new sport facilities. Neverthe
The question of whether more facilities dedicated to sports activities or other solution for improving public health has the more significant share of impact on the region’s medical state has ignited fervent controversy
At the present time, whilst proponents suggest boosting the gymnasium figures enhance communities fitness, opponents claim that doing exercise may cause determinental outputs. However, I am of belief that athletic activi
These days, people are suffering from different diseases mainly because of obesity which increases the chances of heart attacks in humans. People are suffering from other diseases because of increasing weight such as Fa
The government should take a measures to increase the health public, others say the measures are required ,both views are reasonable as each has its own merits , personally,I do think that all have importance in this
An opinion has been raised by some individuals about adding more sports facilities as the best way to enhance the health of the public; however, there are others who reject this notion. They claim that these measures wou
Whilst some individuals consider that the best solution to improve public health is to raise the number of sports facilities because they have a huge impact on public health, I completely disagree with this view for some
There is a multitude of benefits to moving the body and engaging in physical activities that can potentially increase the overall health of an individual.While many believe that increasing the number of sports amenities
Nowadays, many people have a goal to visit as much different countries as they can. Tourism has become so popular because new generation of people likes to spend money on impressions.
The debate surrounding optimising public health is a complicated and nuanced topic. Despite the benefits of having a lot of athletic fields on people's well-being, some would argue that it would not be sufficient enough
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