IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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A part of people decided to stay in their birthplace. It might have either a bad or good effect on them, or both.
A part of people decided to stay in their's birthplace. It might have either bad or good effect on them, or both.
Group of people want to spend most of time in their native place. These mind set of individuals believe that living closer to their born places give sense of satisfaction and comfort level. My essay will provide details
Nowadays, while there are many people, especially those among the young generations like Gen Y or Gen Z, who prefer to have independent lives away from families, some folks decide to stick around in the neighbourhood for
It has been observed that, a group of people in our society spend a great amount of time of their life living near to their birthplace. There could be several reasons behind this tendency of people. In this essay I will
Nowadays most of them are like to live near to their parent’s hose. In this choice, have advantages and disadvantages. In my point of view, when people are, staying near to their neighborhoods house are able to staying f
Some people tend to live closer to their birthplace than a far distant unknown place. In my culture, for many generations, this is how people have lived. It is absolutely fine to live closer to your hometown for many rea
Some live close to the place where they were born. The reason for this is the sentiments which are attached to the birthplace. The merits are they know all the routes, and they live near to their friends whereas the deme
Home town is the most significant place in our life journey. Some populations are interested in living in their birth town or it's near the place. This essay aims to investigate the factors that can lead to this situatio
The birthplace plays an important role in an individual's life, and it has always been a secure place for all of us. Recently some of the population have preferred to spend their lifetime in a known environment. This ess
It is undeniable that some people still prefer to live in the area where they were born and raised even though they have the resources and power to immigrate to other countries. This essay will describe both the benefits
Our society is surrounded by distinct individuals with different characteristics. Although some people live to explore new places and cultures, conversely others keep their roots strong near to place they were born. This
Some people choice living close to where they were born, others are not. Some people do not want to give up their security zone, conversily others does not. Today I would like to talk about these reasons, advantages and
It has been a much-discussed subject whether the place of birth affects people’s choice of living or not. It seems several people tend to live most of their lives in their birth town. The origin of this situation might d
A group of people prefer to live in the same area where they were born. This is because of saving time to become familiar with the area and make strong relationships. It has some merits and demerits too. Thus, both reas
It is undeniable that many people decide to immigrate to other countries to pursue their career goals these days, due to the advancement of transportation. However, some people still prefer to live in the area where they
Inhabiting in their birthplace gives a feeling secure and some people prefer to spend a lifetime in their hometown. There are some factors behind it, such as high emotional connection. However, there are some pros and co
In contemporary society, people prefer to spend their lifetime in the known environment. The majority of people plan to live in familiar surrounding from their birth. This essay would discuss what are the benefits and d
The invention of air travel has made immigration easier to other countries but people choose to remain where they were born. This is because family values play a crucial role in the upbringing of a potential ex-pat, and
Some people live near the area where they were born for most of their lives. In the bellow essay, I will mention probable causes of this and elaborate on its merits and demerits of it.
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