IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Nowadays a huge number of individuals prefer live their lives near their hometown or in the same country. This essay first will discuss that stable life is the main reason for this choice. Then it will focus on the fact
Many people prefer to stay in the place where is their native hometown or somewhere near where they were born. In this essay, I will explore the pros and cons of living in a native land, and will provide the reasons for
In this contemporary era, an overwhelming majority of people spend a large portion of their entire life close to their birthplace. This essay will discuss the main factors behind such attitude along with the pros and con
People tend to settle down in another farther city or country when grow up nowadays, but some do not like to do so. They, in contrast, choose to live in a place close to their hometown. This essay will outline some of th
It is believed that living near your birthplace helps to keep your culture alive and pass it on to the next generations. In the following paragraphs, we will discuss the benefits and drawbacks of staying close to where w
A person loves to live in a town close to his place of birth, and it is important to him. Therefore, most individuals prefer a place to apply permanent residence. This article intends to define the reasons for this decis
Living in a town close to your birth place has its own significance. Therefore, most of the individuals prefer making it as their permanent residence. This essay will outline reasons for this decision, along with its pro
There is no doubt that individuals have a choice in selecting whether to spend their lives where they were born or to move to a different location. Most of the people would probably love to spend their lives in their bir
Many individuals tend to spend most of their lifetime closest to the place they were born. There could be several reasons which lead them to not leave their homeland and move to a new location. This essay will dictate th
Some people derive Joy living close to their birthplace and the reason for this is familiar vicinity and family though there are some merits and demerits to this which we will discuss extensively .
Certain individuals end up spending a lot of their lives close to the area they were born. This is because some people have family property inheritance while some stay as a result of place attachment. These reasons have
Nowdays, some people living close to where they were born, that situation is not good at all and almost the reason is based on the situation. There are lot of advantages and disadvantages about this case Firstly, the
Nowadays, although it is true that people need to leave their hometown to become successful in life, some communities spend their whole life near to their hometown. This essay will outline the possible reasons of this tr
Living close to the birthplace is prioritizes by large number of people. There are enormous reasons to support their decision along with some pros and cons. This essay will shed light on it.
Some people make the decision to continue their life in the place where they were born. There are numerous advantages and disadvantages to staying and living in a location where they were born which will be discussed in
It is common among some social members to spend most of their lives close to their hometown. The purpose of this essay is to discuss the possible reasons for this behaviour as well as point out the advantages and disadva
It has been argued that there are those people who opt to go throughout the years of their existence by staying not far from their birthplace. I think there are some strong reasons that people choose to spend their entir
It is undeniable that some people would like to spend their whole stay in a place which is close to their native town. This essay will discuss both of merits and demerits of staying in a native place and explain the rea
Some individuals prefer to stay in the place where they were born ****due to the absence of money for relocation or their loyalty to the motherland. Although this approach has its positive sides such as convenience and f
People tend to have their residence in close proximity to the place where they were born. In the following paragraphs, I will briefly discuss the possible reason for this phenomenon and propose both merits and drawbacks
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