IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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As people ,nowadays, have to pay taxes to the governments of their countries, they expect that taking care of themselves is a part of the government's commission, however, others find that the duty of taking care of thei
Who should bear the primary responsibility for public health has long been a subject of debate. While some argue that the government has to safeguard public health, others contend that individuals should take personal re
Undoubtedly, the question of whether the government should bear the responsibility for funding healthcare and education or whether individuals should take on this responsibility themselves is a fundamental debate in soci
Many citizens think that government should ensure their health. However, others said that individuals authority to maintain their healthy. I agree that people should keep their body healthy personally. This essay will di
A number of people argue that taking a healthy diet is the solely responsibility of individuals. However, others claim in the opposite manner stating that it is the duty of officials to provide nutritious food to their c
People have different views about whether the authorities should take further actions to persuade their individuals to have healthier diets or whether people should be in charge of their own diet and health. While some b
Some individuals state that one's health condition is their own responsibility, taking measures to prevent illness and improve their well-being. Others argue that the ministry plays a major role and should make sure tha
Some individuals state that one's health condition is their own responsibility, therefore, one should take measures to prevent illness and improve it. Whereas, some people argue that the government plays a major role and
Some individuals state that one's health condition is their own responsibilty, therefore, they should take measures to prevent illness and improve it. Whereas, some people argue that the government plays major role and t
It seems that with the passing of time, some education and health issues have become unsolvable in most countries, furthermore, some people argue that education and health should be free and provided by the authorities.
Many people believe that the government is responsible for implementing ways to improve healthy lifestyles of people. While others argue that leading a healthy lifestyle is an individual choice. This essay will discuss b
Nowadays unhealthy food consuming habits have significantly increased. While a faction of people holds the notion that governments are responsible for control unhealthy diet, others argue that it should be take care by i
In the modern era, there are some groups who insist that a related law should be created in order to impose on people a responsibility to look after their health with food. However, the other assertive perspective should
There are many people who believe that ourselves are in charge of taking care of our health and diet. I do agree with this approach cause I think individuals should be responsible to this matter. But the next step, it is
The graph and the table show the water use in two different countries, Brazil in South America and Congo in Africa. Based on the information, there a huge difference in their populations and irrigated land. Graph shows t
As entering the 21th century with various options for diet, individual's health problems become exacerbate globally. The argument about the duty of keeping people's health has continued: whether it is individual's respon
People have different beliefs on whose responsibility it is to take care of their health. While some say it is the individual's responsibility, others believe it is the government's function to make sure its citizen are
Few people believe that good physical condition is a person's own responsibility while some others believe that governments are the ones who need to be held accountable for the public's balanced diet. This essay is going
Few people believe that health is a person's own responsibility while some others believe that governments are the ones who need to be held accountable for the public's balanced diet. This essay is going to explore more
Healthcare is one of the most important assets that is always viewed as a top priority. While advocates of governmental intervention claim that the government should take accountability to improve the well-being of its
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