IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In this modern world, there in an ongoing debate about whether growing up in the urban would be a great idea for their developments or whether rural will suit them for avoiding devices and focusing on their mental and ph
In this day of age, many adults often wonder whether to live in cities or in the countryside. Some individuals believe that urban areas are the best places for kids to develop whereas others believe that suburb is a bett
Although many parents think that growing up their children in the city could benefit their modern lifestyle and will give more accessible facilities than in the countryside, some parents also decided to let their childre
Currently, there is a high demand for professionals in capital cities worldwide owing to the development of big companies. For this reason, many people believe that living in an urban area is more convenient for reaching
While a faction of people holds the notion that countrysides are the best place to grow up juveniles, others argue that metropolitan cities are suitable for them. This essay will delve into both viewpoints with relevant
It is an undeniable fact that childhood is the best period of one's life. Childhood is the most relaxing and enjoyable phase of the soul. However, there are predominantly two contrasting views where a section of society
People hold distinctive opinions regarding a debate which is linked to whether a child needs to be raised in a city or in the countryside. Both of these options have merits and demerits, which I will elaborate on in thi
Some people argue that it is good for children to have city life while others believe that rural life is ideal for them. Cities have better access to education and different cultures while the countryside has better ac
People have different views about the best place of raising children city or rural area. The living in city and rural area can have merit such as, better standards of living, safer environment, however, upbringing childr
There has been a remarkable increase in the number of people who advocate that living in an urban area has more advantageous whilst the other side believes that rural places are much fitter for human being's life. In thi
To start with, there are two main opinions where it us better for kids to grow up: city and countryside. Both of the places have benefits and drawbacks.
Around the world, the increasing disparity between rural and urban areas has led people to choose where they would like to see their children raised in future. There are many advantages and disadvantages of growing in ci
Childhood will play a crucial role in every individual life. Few of them urge a suitable environment for youngsters in rural ranges like villages compared to in the urban field. In this essay, I will discuss the merits a
The environment in which children are brought up is an incredibly important aspect of their life.Living in cities is thought as the best option for children,while others believe that rural area offers more opportunities.
It is a debatable issue whether which place is better for children to live as city or countryside. Although living in a developing area has countless benefits, I think that if juvenile grows in outsides area then it woul
Nowadays due to urbanization more and more families are moving from the suburbs to the city , therefore, some are arguing that children will have better upbringing in the countryside,while others disagree with them. In t
Childhood will play a crucial role in every individual life. Few of them urge that suitable environment for youngsters in rural areas like villages compared to in urban areas. In this essay, I will discuss the merits and
It is indisputable that children who grew up in the city have more advantages than children who grew up in the countryside. Although the city provides more opportunities, I would argue that this is not the only way to fl
A child's youth is something that they need to experience in its entirety. Some people may argue that this can be achieved by them living in the cities, whilst others believe it can be done by them living in the countrys
The quality of development and nurturing of young children are highly reliant on the environment. There has been an ongoing debate about whether raising kids in the urban area or countryside is more beneficial. Each has
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