IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is sometimes said that teacher need to scare students to create a better relationship. While the alternative view is that a close and friend-like interplay between pupils and teacher is better. Personally, I agree wit
There has been a debate on influences of child development, some people are of the idea that it mostly influenced by television, music and friends. Others still believe that family is the most influential. This essay wi
While some individuals opine that television, friends, and music significantly influence kids' development, others believe that family is still foremost in this case. Personally, I stand more with the latter statement as
A section of the public asserts that being economically and environmentally successful doesn’t go hand in hand. However, the notion of this is the opposite for the other half. The discussion about whether nature can be w
There is no doubt that people in various countries have distinct and diverse viewpoints because everyone is a unique individual. Some people contemplate if their friends have the same wavelength as them, whilst others h
Friends are an essential part of life. It is often argued by some individuals that companions need to be selected based on whether they match our thinking or not . While some individuals mention that it is required to h
It is often said that friends are the family we choose. It is not uncommon for people to gravitate towards friends who share their interests, beliefs, and opinions. However, there are two opposing views on this subject.
Some people believe that having friends who always support their opinions is better nevertheless people also think to have friends who sometimes having different opinons with them is good.
There is no doubt that these days teachers play a significant in education tutors make their students feel comfortable and confident or uncomfortable and inconvenient when they teach. There are some views about this essa
Friends are important people in our life, and our friendship often defines what type of person we are. When it comes to choosing companions, there are contrasting views. Some believe our friends should always agree with
Nowadays, rapid change is happening all over the world, not only in the environment but also the humans. We must acknowledge that we humans are evolving. Moreover, this situation leads to a discussion about whether we op
The companion is one of the most influential extrinsic factors in our life. It has become a prolonged discussion about whether it is better to have friends who always agree with our perspective than have relatives who so
People are divided in their opinion regarding choosing friends who have the same belief as them or who sometimes can be against their views. While in some ways it may seem reasonable to have like like-minded person with
Numerous people believe that having friends who tend to have similiar thoughts with them is better while other prefer to have circle of friends who sometimes disagree with them. This essay first will talk about the reaso
In our world, nowadays, it is evident that governments and intities all over the world treat the rich class better than the poor one in everything, especially in earnings. In this essay, I will be discussing my point of
Nowadays, friendship plays an important role in our daily life. There has been controversy about whether finding like-minded friends is better than building friendships with different points of view as well as contrastin
Across the globe, giving time to family and career both are important in the present day. However, one segment of people think that it is a myriad crucial to develop one's career first and another segment of people belie
Choosing friends is considered a daunting task for individuals. Although some people assume that human beings should go after like-minded ones for this purpose, I go with the view that supports becoming friends with dis
In an era characterized by a relentless pursuit of personal and professional success, a perennial debate centers around the allocation of our most precious resource: time. Some argue that dedicating a significant portion
In today's fast-paced world, individuals often face a dilemma when it comes to allocating their time and energy. On one hand, there are those who believe that dedicating time to developing a successful career is paramoun
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