IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Nowadays, the public is being bombarded with a plethora of information from newspapers and television programs. It is often considered that news is a pointlessness that has nothing to do with their life. Personally, I co
It is true that more students nowadays are taught by the use of technological advances than it was in the past. This essay will discuss the benefits and drawbacks of this trend.
These days, people sometimes argue that it is time-consuming to read newspapers or watch news programs because news is not associated with their lives. Personally, I completely disagree with this view due to several long
Some people might reckon to care about what is happening around the world does not have any relation to their personal life, also, it is considered a waste of time. As someone who is gotten influenced by daily news, I wo
Many people believe that news does not have any influence on human life and it has only drawbacks such as spending time on unnecessary activities as reading newspapers, magazines and watching TV. But I completely disagre
Many people argue that reading the newspaper and watching television news programs is a waste of time due to the irrelevance of news in people's daily lives. Personally, I completely disagree with this view.
A group of people believe that news have no impact on people lifes and it destroy our valuable time. I completely disagree with this statement and believe that news makes our life more easier and improves our surroundi
As society is advancing by leaps and bounds, people attach great importance to lives and time. Under this circumstance, an absolute consensus can hardly be reached as to whether reading newspapers and watching news progr
Information of day-to-day events flow in people's life thanks to the media. It is argued that news are not as important as some try to tell, due to the dwindle link between personal situation and the happening. Despite t
These days, news reports have a significant role in everyone's life. Few people believe that national reporting channels show no connection to people's lives and that reading newspapers and watching news programs is a ti
These days, news reports have a significant role in everyones life. Few people believe that national reporting channels shows no connection to people lives, also reading newspaper and watching news programs are a time wa
In the present day, with the advance of urbanization and technology resulting in a fast-paced world, a plethora of people tend to belive that visual entertaintment has no more interlinked with peers lifestyle and is beco
Some people assume that news is not related to people's lives .Therefore‚ you will lose time when you follow other's information through reading newspapers and watching TV news.
In the technology world, mass media plays an indispensable role in human beings life whether it is print or broadcast media. Most people believe that it is totally wasteful to spend time on watching television and readin
Rapidly evolving technology and a fast-moving era have allowed us to stay informed regarding national and international affairs. Many believe that listening, watching or reading the daily news has no impact on individual
Nowadays, we live in a global society where news spread in an incredibly fast way. Some individuals believe that this kind of media doesn't influence people's lives and that it is not essential to be constantly exposed t
The news gives us information about the world in our own space.Being updated helps us to live peacefully. According to some it is merely a waste of spending in reading and watching the news since it has no effect on peo
It is often said that any source of news, such as newspapers or television programs is a waste of time and has no benefit to the general public but I strongly believe otherwise.
There are controversial opinions among the public about whether the news is beneficial to our life or not. In my opinion, news and media are two crucial aspects of human society.
Some individuals think, spending time reading and watching the news is waste of time and does not create any positive impact on people’s lives. In my way of thinking, I would say this is a wrong statement because it hel
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