IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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People have different views about how happiness is achieved. While many are of the idea that happiness is a result of financial success, I agree with others who feel there are more crucial factors involved.
There is no denying the fact that what cause happiness can be a debatable subject. While it is a commonly held belief that economic success can have a direct effect to crate happiness for individuals, there is also an ar
Some individuals believe that financial success is the key factor for human delight, although others tend to rely on another factor. In this, essay I will provide my points of view on whether I believe in both perspectiv
Happiness nowadays is the most thing that people hope to have. Some crow believes that people reach entertainment life by having enough money. While, others opine that idea and think it relies on other additional factors
An individual's state of mind plays a role in determining one’s success. Certain people are of the opinion that economic prosperity depends on how joyful and cheerful a person is, whereas, some believe that this relies o
There is no doubt that these days some people believe that in order to live a happy life you have to succeed in your profession. However, as there are other people who think that there are other factors as well which dec
Many individuals are convinced that a person's happiness is linked with economic success due to work, on the contrary, others suppose it depends on other factors. This essay will discuss both points of view and it will e
It is considered by some that economic success directly contributes to the happiness of a person while others seem to believe that other elements are more significant determiners. In my opinion, although financial factor
It is argued by some that economic prosperity is the main reason for life satisfaction, while others believe that true happiness comes from other factors. While economic boom helps bring wealth and prosperity to the nati
It is argued by some that economic prosperity is the main reason for life satisfaction, while others believe that true happiness come from other factors. While economy boom helps bringing wealth and prosperity to the nat
It is undeniable believe that people are different facilities and better than life is so they are happiness . Some individuals think of economic success and other factors.although, not only necessarily but also accessib
A few people hold a belief that there is a direct connection between success in the economy and people’s own happiness. However, it is true that others reckon that other elements can bring happiness for them, including t
In our contemporary society, many people tend to find happiness by running after money. While some thought that economics is not our final goal in life. This essay will discuss both trends and explain my idea about this
It is believed that individual happiness is connected to financial success, while others argue that happiness depends on several factors. From my perspective, both economic success, quality time with family, and good hea
It is believed that individual happiness is connected to financial success, while others argue that happiness depends on several factors. From my perspective, both economic success, quality age with family, and good ener
While some believe that personal pleasure is directly connected with financial success, others think that this issue depends on other sectors. It is clear that although money is one of the considerations for accomplishme
Some people hold the opinion that there is a direct correlation between feeling happy and having well economic situation. However, others opine that for measuring happiness the other factors should be taken into account.
In the present day, taking income is a primary concern in any society. While some people believe success is related to money, others claim that there is a variety of other points that influence personal happiness. I t
Issues related to happiness are frequently discussed these days. Some people believe that economic success has an impact on humans’ happiness, others criticize and argue that happiness relies on many factors. Both sides
Issues related to happiness are frequently discussed these days. Some people believe that individual happiness has a direct impact on economic success, others criticize and argue that there are several factors that have
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