IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Nowadays, more and more people suggest university students take their lessons according to their preferences. Meanwhile, several individuals advise them to focus only on subjects that matter in life, such as courses abou
Many are of the view that tertiary students should read courses of their preference. A school of thought holds in perception that, programs that are relevant in the future should be thought. The essay will elaborate both
Generally, university students learn subjects which are considered as useful for their future job positions during study time. These subjects are planned for students by universities. This argument that whether students
There is a notion that folks should majoring whatever they like.In contrast, another argument is that they should study crucial subjects such as those related to science and automation .It is true that all countries want
There is a notion that people should study whatever they like in the university. In contrast, another statement is they have to study crucial subjects, such as those related to science and technology. It is true that all
Universities are quintessentially instrumental in sculpting the societal fabric through the dissemination of knowledge and the nurturing of future leaders. The debate surrounding the scope of academic freedom within thes
As has been commonly acknowledged, many people consider that university students should study whatever subjects they prefer. However, a small group of people submit that students should only learn those subjects that are
Some individuals are of the view that varsity students should be educated on whatever they desire others think that studying subjects that will be vital in the future such as the ones that are associated with technology
It is often argued that studying a subject which students are keen on should be obliged in universities, while others believe that students must study only beneficial subjects based on science or technology. In my opinio
Many People argue that ungraduated students should enrol in a specific subject at university, whereas others believe that they should study a range of subjects without any force. I believe that everyone has the right to
There is no denying the fact that universities have essential impact in people future. While it is a commonly held belief that University students should specialise in specific subject, there is also an argument that the
People have different views about how much choice students should have with regard to what they can study at university. While some argue that it would be better for students to be forced into certain key subject areas,
A group of individuals present the view that all students should be taught their favourite field of study, whereas others believe they have to pass only the courses that will be useful in the future. I strongly agree wit
There common beliefs such as students of Universities may study any subject that they wont , while others think that they must learn only study fields that benefits in the future like science and technology. In the fol
In today’s society, people’s perspectives on education have shown divergence. The question of whether students should choose subjects based on their future benefits rather than their personal interests has become a matte
Many people have the opinion that students of tertiary institution should choose their field based on personal preference, whilst others argue that they should rather be encouraged to take up courses that would have more
These days, the options for majors to learn at a university have become wider. It is often said that students are supposed to only choose majors that seem to be useful in the next few years. However, the issue is not ent
Although some people believe that students at university should study anything that interests them, others think that they should only study the subjects that will have importance in their future. I believe that students
In the world of global problems we have a lot of useful and not majors. Therefore, more and more people argued that government must pay the cost of university for the ones who study relevant subjects, while for others, w
A groups of residents claim that all higher education pupils ought to learn the faculty relate to their preference. However, others persuade that these teenagers just need to concentrate on academias that can be indispen
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