IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Healthy foods are an essential part of an individul's life. Some people belive that teaching kids about the subject science of food and how to prepare it properly in the school would be a benificial, while others argue t
In today's world, with enormous, competition it is necessary that students should be well-equipped to enhance their knowledge with such information available to them. Implementing this worldwide information as a part of
It is debatable whether international news should be seen as a mandatory section in the secondary school curriculum or not. From my perspective, both opinions are reasonable to a certain extent, but I am still in favour
Schools play a very important role in shaping a student's mind. At ,schools children learn different subjects like mathematics, science, and English. There are few people that argue children need not study all subjects b
In my opinion, Studying international news and having knowledge regarding international relations has undeniably become very important these days. It is going to benefit sooner or later in life. In this ,essay we will di
Although it is sometimes thought that school ought to allow students to choose their favourite subject, other people believe that focus should on the same subjects. In my opinion, I consider that choosing the interested
The potential for the global media to shape the views of today’s youth is considerable. However, while some commentators think that the media has no place in secondary education, other analysts defend the idea that inter
Unquestionably, every coin has two sides and so are the people. Society’s people are divided into two groups and therefore, including international news as a subject at secondary school has become a topic of debate among
The topic of whether secondary school children should study international news as a school subject is a matter of debate. Some believe that studying international news can be a valuable addition to the school curriculum,
Nowadays, whether schools should pay more attention to teaching academic subjects or not has become a very controversial issue, while some argue that schools should put some practical subjects in the syllabus now. I agre
The issue of whether children should learn subjects related to food science has been raising a lot of debates. Some might say that it is not necessary for their future because they just need to spend time studying impo
Globalization is paving its way to our society which brings manifold benefits to us. As a result of which, global news has evolved as an essential subject for secondary schools. On one hand, there are individuals who agr
In the cutting-edge world, education has become vitally important in everyone’s life. People maintain diverse views about whether students should be exposed to all subjects or they should have the right to attend whateve
In the cutting-edge world, education has become vitally important in everyone’s life. People maintain different views about whether students should be exposed to all subjects or they should have the right to attend whate
Sport is very useful especially for the growth of some children. As we know, in many schools there are a lot of subjects such as math, geography, history and many others which provide the development of child's brain. In
In today 's world , things around the globe keep evolving at a lightning speed. Inorder to keep pace with the world , it is imperative to know what is happening around the globe. Therefore, it becomes essential that adol
People are divided over whether students at school should study all subjects or only the ones they find fascinating. While studying only subjects of interest can help to score good marks in exams, I believe that a divers
It is debatable whether articles via foreign should be included in the curriculum since this has the meaning to educate students or this is redundant. From my perspective, the latter is far superior to the former thanks
In these modern times, school education has become very diverse and people have now started to advocate the importance of international news as a part of the curriculum. I agree with this point and actually believe that
Some people believe that teaching about international news and affair to secondary school children are beneficial and should be included in the school curriculum while other believe that its a waste of time and should no
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