IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The precedence of environmental protection which was always a hotly debatable topic has now become more controversial. while copious people claim that it is the responsibility of the government to take initiatives for gu
With climate change getting worse in human life, environmental issues seem to be more significant for us. Someone considers it as essential work to solve for each person, while others consider that people themselves do
Concerns related to the environment are rapidly growing these days. Some are of the opinion that individuals can not provide effective solutions while others argue that to tackle those problems, individual action is esse
The climate change phenomenon became a main social problem these days, which lead to a discussion that how a community can solve these nature damaging controversies. Some crowds think that these questions are too difficu
The climate change phenomenon became a main social issue these days, which lead to a discussion that how people can solve this environmental difficulty. Some crowds think that these problems are so big to overcome by ind
The demand for oil and gas has been increased due to rising populations and industrialization. However, this growing demand became a social controversy that distinguishes an advantage and disadvantage point to investment
Nowadays humanity is facing many unprecedented environmental issues, that, according to some folks, cannot be solved by the public, and only those who have a certain power can solve them. However, I firmly believe that t
Few citizens believe that a person cannot handle many issues related to environment, but some have an opinion that a single human taking a small responsibility can have an impact. Let’s discuss both the views. Obvious
To overcome environmental issues, are two different views. The first group believes that individuals have a principal role in dealing with this crisis, but the other group thinks individuals can take some small action ag
There is a controversial perspective heating a debate on how to deal with the deterioration of environmental quality. While some claim that individuals cannot resolve those big problems, the opposite makes a statement th
Environmental issues are raising rapidly and are becoming too huge for individuals to solve standalone. However, government can take certain actions to eradicate these issues, on the contrary, these steps would go in vai
Nowadays, a lot of people suppose that environment problems could not be solve by one person. Others think that the government cannot solve environment problems without people’s help. This essay agrees that one person ca
Some people think that environmental problems are too big for individuals to solve, while others think that the government cannot solve these environmental problems unless individuals make some action.
Earth's biosphere is experiencing serious damages due to overpopulation and exploitation of natural resources. If appropriate steps are not taken to address and solve this issue then, it may lead to apocalyptic events. S
Environmental problems should not be ignored as they affect all of us equally. A great number of people consider this to be a task much too complex for individuals to resolve on their own, while others view the governmen
Some individuals consider that people's small steps can't be the solution to environmental issues, whereas other group people believe that the government alone can't find the way to solve the climate change we've faced.
In recent years environmental pollution has become a major issue concerning individuals all around the globe. Some are of the opinion that there is not much that could be done by normal citizens to sort out this problem.
It is true that an increasing number of people who are aware that environmental protection is essential for all people’s wellbeing. Some people advocate that there are various feasible actions that should be taken in ord
While It is considered by some that the environmental issues can not be solved by the governmental actions unless individuals are not playing their part,others think that all the environmental challenges are unsurmoutabl
With climate change getting worse in human’s life, environmental issues seem to be more significant for us. Some people consider it as essential work to solve for each person, while others consider that they do not have
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