IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In the contemporary era, there are conflicting views about the key to achieving optimum fitness. While some citizens believe that doing regular exercise is the decisive method, others believe that having a balanced diet
In the contemporary era, there are conflicting views about the key to health. While some people believe that doing regular exercise is the decisive method, and others believe that having a balanced diet is the main condi
The pursuit of good health is a fundamental human desire, and achieving it involves a multitude of factors, with some individuals emphasizing the role of exercise while others prioritize a balanced diet.
In our society, there are a lot of controversial issues that affect our lives. A healthy life is one of these issues. Some people argue that eating a balanced diet is more essential for our health, while others state tha
In the modern age, people always try their best to stay in shape in numerous methods. One is doing regular exercise which some individuals consider as a vital factor while the others believe that eating habits bring more
Some people believe that exercise is vital for good health whereas others think that well-balanced diet is more essential. In this essay, I discuss both views and give my own opinion.
Many believe that exercise plays an important role for good health while others think that diet with proper nutrition is best key method for it. It seems to me that a healthy diet is more necessary than exercise for a he
Some people argue that physical activities are the main method to be healthier, while others think healthy meals are the key method for it. Through this ,essay I will discuss both sides of the argument in detail and prov
In this day and age,there is a bunch of things people could do to get into shape. Most people,but not all,find useful training with some exercise to be healthy, however,others prefer to keep a balanced diet. In my eyes,
Having a balance on our diet and eating healthy food is always good to keep our body safe and strong while some people believe exercising is the most important. In my opinion, our body needs more exercise and physical ac
According to some people, a sound body can only be achieved by regular workouts; however, others are of the opinion that minerals rich food is what counts more to remain healthy. This essay will discuss both sides of the
Some people tend to believe that physical activities are the main feature of health whereas others seem to argue that eating balanced is more crucial. To a large extent, I agree that exercise has an important role in hea
A school of thought holds that the key criteria to enhance one’s well-being is to do physical exercise, while others believe that a balanced and healthy diet would bring tangible and immediate benefits to our overall fit
Nowadays, human beings always need good feed and training to keep their health healthy and agile. While some people believe that activity is the key to a healthy torso, many believe that eating well is more important. Th
Nowadays, human beings always need good feed and training to keep their health healthy and agile. While some people believe that activity is the key to a healthy body, many believe that eating well is more important. Thi
A section of society often argued that a regular workout is mandatory for the overall fitness of a person; however, some expert proposed that well-nutritious food is far more beneficial than daily exercise. Personally,
One of highly controversial issues today relates to whether doing exercise is more essential for well-being or being on a diet. In this essay, I am going to examine this question from both points of view. However, I beli
Mọi người có quan điểm khác nhau về việc có hay không tập thể dục thường xuyên là chìa khóa cho sức khỏe. Mặc dù có một số lập luận tốt ủng hộ ảnh hưởng tích cực của tập thể dục, tôi tin chắc rằng chế độ ăn uống lành mạn
Being healthy is very important in once life. There can be different ways of making the life healthier like a segment of people think that exercise is key to be healthier and other thinks diet plays a crucial part in bei
Being healthy has become one of the crucial factors in our daily lives. Are we following a healthy lifestyle? Some argue that performing physical activities is a root to remain healthy, while other consider appropriate e
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