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There is a great deal of debate concerning whether having pets is suitable for children. While some individuals this idea is unfavorable, I strongly support the idea that parents should get pets for their young ones.
In recent times, there has been a significant rise in the number of people rearing pets. While some claim that it is hazardous and not healthy to keep them, others argue that keeping pets has potential benefits for kids.
In recent times, there has been a significant rise in the number of people rearing pets. While some claim that it is hazardous and not healthy to keep them, others argue that keeping pets has potential benefits on kids.
Nowadays, we hardly find any house without at least a single pet as it has become an important member of families. While some people believe that animals are good for children because of their companionship, others are o
Nowadays, we hardly find any house without altleast single pet as it has become an important member in families. While some people believe that animals are good for children because of the companionship, some others are
There is a view that having a pet is good for kids for some people and others argue that it is harmful for young people of the family. While pets would not beneficial, I believe pets are useful for some reasons.
Traditionally , humans and animals always friendly relationship. And they always helped each other . Until now there are plenty distinguish views about keeping among the people. Majority of people believe that having a p
Pets are common among all cultures. Many people thinks that it is good for children but few of them think that it is not good for children. In my opinion, caring of some animals are helpful for the kids in many ways like
Nowadays every home has at least one pet. It argues that having pets at home is beneficial for kids. While others think that, it is harmful and not a healthy option. I agree that keeping pets is unhealthy and it causes m
Pets are kept for a variety of reasons. Keeping pets is a global act. There is however, a bone of contention as a group believes raising pets can be helpful for children whilst another opine these animals can harm and be
There are individuals who believe that keeping pets is beneficial for children, while others think that it can be dangerous and unhealthy. This essay discuss both of views and subsequently present my own viewpoint on the
It has been stated that it is beneficial for kids to be around pets however, the opposite opinion believes that animals can be unsafe for children. I personally agree with the second argument and in the following, I will
Many parents suggest that keeping pets is dangerous for children’s physical health, but I strongly believe that there are several benefits for children to owning a pet. Some of the advantages will be stated below.
It is opined by several people keeping pets is essential for juveniles while others argue it seems dangerous and unhealthy. In my opinion, I strongly agree that taking pets can nurture children better.
After I read the statement above regarding whether or not it is good for children to have pets, in my opinion, I agree beyond a shadow of a doubt, that these domesticated animals are such reliable companions for young on
Different people have different perspectives on children's keeping pets. Some people argue that keeping pets is beneficial to children. However, according to other individuals, it is not worth having pets because they ar
The companion for humans for ages was animals, they have used them for protection, hunting, farming and as pets, and in return humans provided animals with shelter and food.
It is often argued that Keeping pets is well for children, while Others believe that it is hazardous and unhealthy. In my opinion, Pets such as dogs are innocent animals and i don't think they are harmful to kids due to
Nowadays it is argued by a certain section of people that having domestic pets is good for a minor population, whilst others think that it is risky and unhealthy. In this context as far as I am concerned, I would agree w
Nowadays it is argued by certain section of people having domestic pets are good for minor population, whilst others think that it is risky and unhealthy. In this context as far as I am concerned, I would agree with the
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