IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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There are some arguments between the parents that discuss about the kids should be learnt some social skills at school instead of studying numerous subjects, which some people believing is good for children's future. Alt
There has been growing debate and controversy surrounding the school curriculum. Some assert that students are encouraged to study a small number of subjects in detail while others claim the opposite. Although having a d
In these present schools, there are various types of subjects that students study, some people consider those senior school children should focus on learning designated courses rather than an assortment branch of learnin
I would write that it is true that many parents want schools should teach practical skills. However, important learn academic subjects than life skills. I can say that schools should teach solely academic subjects becau
Some people argue that schools should teach children skills however, as for others having a variety of subjects is better for children's future. I strongly believe that these both sides are beneficial for them. And atten
In recent times, it is becoming increasingly common for people who believe that schools have to teach children skills, however, parents think that learning number of subjects will have a good impact on the future of you
In recent times, it is becoming increasingly common for people who believe that schools have to teach children skills, however, parents think that learning a number of subjects will have a good impact on the future of y
Many parents want the best chances for their children. There are some people who think that should be taught schools children capabilities, however I think having ology is bright for a children's future.
It is natural for parents to want the best possibilities for their child including education. Nowadays, the most popular way to teach pupils anything is by teaching elementary subject . There are people who think learnin
There is an ongoing debate regarding the scope of education for senior school children, with some advocating for a well-rounded curriculum, while others believe in focusing on a select few subjects. I am of the opinion t
All parents want the best opportunities for their juvaniles. Despite, there is a big social dilemma: there are some individuals who believe that the education should be focused on teaching children skills, and there are
It is irrefutable that every parent wishes all the best for their offspring.Although some individuals think that children ought to be taught abilities that are crucial for their future careers others believe that being g
As Denise Morrison has said, transparency is ultimately the single most defining and vital ingredient to achieve success as it essentially builds trust. In the essence of the corporations and stakeholders, transparency o
Teaching skills are more beneficial to children according to some parents, whereas others are more focused on teaching their sons and daughters a variety of subjects in schools. I believe that to get the best outcome bo
Children are always precious to their parents and due to this reason they try to give the best in everyways. Teaching skills is more beneficial to children according to some parents, whereas others are more focussed on t
Nowadays, there is always an argument about letting children in older school study a wide range of subjects. I believe it has both positive and negative effects on elder communities learning various courses or focusing o
In the first line of this essay, I should maintain that you cannot find any person who wants a dark fate for his children. Because of the difference between society members, they have distinct opinions about the shining
In the first line of this essay, I should maintain that, you cannot find any person who wants a dark fate for his children. Because of the difference of society members, they have distinct opinion for the shing future of
A numerous individuals desire the best chance for their doughter or son. There are several humans who strongly believe that schools ough to instruct boys and girls abilities however, anothers suppose that having a range
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