IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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People have different opinions about whether it is the responsibility of parents to teach children good manners because children imitate their parents to make them better societal members or the school could be an adequa
Many people believe that children’s training in order to be good people in their society is the duty of parents while others and I think that this is the responsibility of the school.
It is concluded by few people that in order to become an excellent member of society the teaching should be taught by parents, whereas the rest think that the school is responsible for this. In my opinion, parents should
It is very crucial that our children grow up to be an effective members of the socity ,while many people argue that it is their parent job ,other belive that this is the role of the teachers .
Ethical virtues play an essential role for humans. Some people insist that parents are obliged to teach their children to how to set a good example in the community, whereas others postulate that school is the right plat
Some people assume that parents are responsible to guide children to be excellent members os society. However, others believe that school is the place to learn this.
Nowadays, it is debatable whether school or home is the right place to teach young people to behave well in society. In this essay, both aspects of this contention will be explored while putting forward my own opinions.
With the development of teaching, whether children should be taught how to be great participants in society by their parents or schools has caused a heated debate. My view is that juveniles should learn social skills bot
The debate regarding who's responsibility is to educate children to be good citizens has at the center two points of view. If the public system through schools should manage this or if the parents should learn their chil
It is considered by some that parents should teach them to be accountable fair and overall humane members of the community while others hold the opinion that these values should be taught by the school. This is undoubted
some individuals believe that it is up to parents to teach their childs to be an efficant member of community. while others place this responsibility on school.In my way of thinking, I believe although the educational sy
It is often argued that the parent should be responsible for educating their children to become a good citizen while others said that the education providers are the best place to educate this. In this essay I'll discuss
Parents and schools are now majorly responsible for children to behave good.But that which one is supposed to take the lead is under discussion.
In modern life, the effective learning of children would be concentrated by parents. Individuals believe in children’s essential characteristics belong to be a good sense of society, while the others think the school cou
Being a good member of society in the future needs training in childhood, yet there are two perspectives regarding who is responsible for such training; parents or schools. In the following, I am going to discuss this is
Nowadays, many people agree that education has a significant impact on the next generation. However, how do we define the teaching responsibility that should be belonged to parents or schools? Let us illustrate my perspe
In today’s world, children are going different places for education, while most of children are staying at hostel. It is argued that hostel life is best for children to growing up and child learn most practical lesson of
Being a good member of society in the future needs training in childhood, but who is responsible for this training; parents or schools? In the following, I am going to discuss this issue comprehensively, and present my o
Nowadays children will become adults in the future. In order to create an ideal society, we need to teach our people since they were young. Some people allege that parents should take the responsibility for teaching them
While some people believe that teaching children to be good citizens is the duty of the parents, others are of the opinion that learning morals should be done in school. The family is known to be the functional unit of
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