IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The way of improving road safety is one of the most urgent task that people need to have serious considerations. In this situation, some argue that road accidents can be prevented by rising the legal minimum age of getti
Increasing the minimum permissible age for driving cars and motorbikes is considered as the best approach to improve road safety by some people. I think having younger drivers on the roads does not cause serious problems
The tables illustrate the exchange international students from Australia to Europe and transferring students from Europe to Australia between 2007 and 2009.
Many people argue that it is crucial to rise the minimum age requirement for driving automobiles and motorbikes. Therefore, I strongly coincide with the same opinion.
The significant rise in traffic accidents has become a major concern for the public. Therefore, it is of the opinion that increasing the minimum age for legally driving a car or motorbike is the most efficient solution t
Some individuals opined that increasing the lawful age limit to drive vehicles and bikes would make roads to become safer. I completely disagree with this. While this might be a temporary measure to prevent road accident
The bar charts illustrate the amount of four different forms of waste; paper, glass, tins and garden measured in tons, collected by a recycling company within a 5 years period.
It is an obvious fact that the rate of accidents is burgeoning significantly in every nation due to the absence of traffic safety. Therefore, a section of individuals considers that the perfect way to enhance highway saf
In some countries, the minimum legal age for driving is different. In some countries you can start driving from 16, in another only from 20 and they have explained this rule. But sometimes people think that to improve ro
In the present age, much debate has sparked whether a larger driver’s license minimum age is the solution to safer roads, while others argue that this decision holds no effect in reducing traffic accidents. I, personally
In the present age, every family usually owns more than one car, and naturally, when children in the family become of age, they are eager to get their driver’s licences. Some people believe that raising the minimum age f
There has been much discussion revolving around the issue of whether the government should enhance road safety by increasing the legal age for driving cars or any other autos. In this essay, I will discuss both views and
There has been much discussion revolving around the issue of whether what is the best minimum legal age to allow get driving license to improve safety in the traffic. In this essay, I will discuss both views and give my
In the present age, people assume that wanting to upgrade road safety the best choice is to increase the minimum lawful age for steering an automobile or a motorbike. I agree with this fact and in this essay, I will expl
Some people tend to think that the best way to improve road safety is to increase the minimum, acceptable age for driving car or motorcycle. From my point of view, I completely agree with this statement, because reducti
Many people assert that to better road safety , the minimum legal age for getting a driving license for two and four-wheelers drivers is to rise. I believe that raising this minimum legal age would not have a significant
Many folks believe that road safety could be increased by increasing the minimum age for a driving license to ride a bike or a car. However, this action could minimise the casualties on roads but it is not ideal to cont
The best way to develop road safety is to revised the age of drivers and regulate the road rules. I completely agree that the best way to improve road safety is to increase the minimum legal age level of the vehicle driv
Nowadays, road accidents have been the major cause of accidental death. Some groups of people think the reason behind those are youngsters and they think raising the minimum driving age will improve road safety. I stro
Nowadays, the rapid increase in road accidents is a concerning issue for many individuals.A chunk of individuals opines that the only solution to this problem is raising the minimum driving age whilst others are sceptica
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