IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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There is a debate whether a country that buys arts is a waste of resources while others proclaim that it should allocate its fiscal budget in different areas. I completely support the group that believes that countries s
it is believed that the government spending on craft is a waste of money, and it can spend somewhere betterhood, in my opinion, art is needed to fund financially as any other sector.
The newest research has shown that there are two sides of opinion, whether the government should invest the money into art or not. As we all know, there is a great number of things we can call art. From the youngest age,
Nowadays, there are various kinds of expenditures that could be spent on developing the country and improving citizens living. The spending should be emphasized on the necessities of the particular segment, for instance,
How are you going today? Firstly, I have already seen your email which you sent my mom. I sincerely apologize for my result in IELTS certificate is not good as your expectation, it not worthy of your support to my mom a
It is widely known that art is considered as one of the amusements of humans. Even though it has a great number of benefits, some still conceive that the fund investing in arts should be utilized for other measures which
Art is the external manifestation of personal talents that represents a country's legacy. Art appears to be losing its worth as a result of the government's lack of concern; nonetheless, I believe that art still deserves
It is often argued by some folks that authorities should have to spend capital on other necessary things instead of art activities. I personally agree with the above notion as there are other crucial objects that an indi
These days money is a significant factor for develop the countries. Some argue that the state budget should be spent elsewhere rather than the arts. This essay totally disagrees with this opinion because the arts can ref
Everyone has their own opinion and concerns; I think that art is also an important aspect of life. We human beings are social animals. We need things that inspire us to help each other and live together. There could be m
These days money is significant factor for develop the countries. Some argues that the state budget should better be spent somewhere else rather than the arts. This essay totally disagree with this opinion because the ar
Some individuals supposed that the government should not spend money on arts, funding should be used for other purposes rather than arts. I personally disagree with this point of view, in this essay I will be discussing
Some people believe that the government is spending money on unnecessary things such as art, which can be invested in a better way. In this essay, I will discuss both points of view and give my personal opinion on this m
Many individuals suppose that pushing public assets into the art sector is hard of any importance. Since there are many problems attacking the society, one could agree that the ministry needs to focus more on these chall
Human beings are indisputably the most creative creatures to have ever been born on earth. Creativity has unlocked the doors to the subjects like science and arts. However, some are of opinion that investing on arts is f
Today many believe that the union is not using the financial resources in an appropriate step. However, it can use in a better process that every individual can be benefited by improving in interesting areas and skills.
Because, children spend much more time at their homes and tend to follow the habits of their parents, the home is the best place to teach this important value.
Some people think that the government's budget for art is a waste, and we have more important aspects and sectors where the money should be used. I disagree with the notion because I believe that art is important for the
There is no doubt that the government is responsible for providing the basic infrastructure required for the well-being of its citizens. However, there are some who argue that investing in the arts is a waste of governme
One of the conspicuous trends of today’s modern world is a colossal upsurge of government spending on arts whereas some individuals believe that these resources should be utilised for the betterment of the people.I pers
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