IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Some individuals hold the thought that the government must cut the funds to the arts and culture in order to spend it elsewhere. I strongly believe that the men in charge must allocate enough funds to improve the artwork
It is argued that, spending government's budget on the visual arts is unnecessary. I completely disagree with given statement and this essay will discuss why spending money for arts should be taken into cinsideration in
One of the most conspicuous trends of today's globalized world is art. Few citizens ponder that the authority is wasting money on the arts and this money can be better consumed someone else. I am partially agreeing with
Nowadays, Government has pre-decided the funds to be distributed among all the different sectors. It is believed by few a humankind that the administration is spending more money on the paintings while few among the peop
Whether or not the advancement of art should be invested as well as the others is an issue of interest. Some believe that the investment in art is not worth the money, so the government should not spend on this field of
Arts reflect the heritage of a country and depict the creativity of an individual. While many believe that financing in arts is a wastage of money, I am of the opposite view as I believe that financing in arts is a good
There are a variety of opinions on whether or not the government should allocate funds to art. While some claim that these financial resources can be used in another sector far better, I personally believe that spending
There are a variety of opinions on whether or not the government should allocate funds to art.While some claim that these financial resources can be used in another sector far better, I personally believe that spending
There are veriety of opinion on the whether or not the government should alocated founds art.While some claim that these financial resources can be used in another secter far better, I personally belive that sepending in
Arts reflect the heritage of a country and the creativity of an individual. While many people believe that financing in arts is a wastage of money, I am of the opposite view as I believe that financing in arts is a quite
People have different views about whether or not the government should invest in the dimension of arts. Some critics do not agree with this kind of sponsorship; however, others believe arts should be the responsibility
A significant number of people claim that the government is using much money on art, whereas other say that the money would be used for other services. However, I partially agree with this statement as both are important
Art is the externalization of the individual skills and reflects the heritage of a country. At present, art seems to lose its value because of less concern by the government, however, I feel that art still requires being
It is believed by some that the authority is wasting wages in music, dance, and painting. So, this money could be better spent on other factors. To a large extent, I agree with the given statement.
Some people contend that there are many pressing concerns that a country must resolve before putting emphasis on the arts. However, I personally think that arts are an essential part of a culture, and it is quite fair to
Many people have strong opinions about the ministry's funding of arts. They believe that the authority is wasting public funds on arts and the funds can be utilised in other areas. But, I do not agree with their opinion
It is often thought that the regime is spending a lot of money on the artists. However, some are of the opinion that they should use this money for other important things. In my point of view, I totally agree with this a
It is often thought that the regime is spending a lot of wealth on the artwork. However, some are of the opinion that they should use the money for more important things. In my point of view, I totally agree with this an
Artistry is the backbone of a country's economical and cultural development. Although a few people hold an opinion that instead of pooling capital in the field of art, money can be efficiently invested in essential commo
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