IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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it is being argued that government should not expenditure on art, it should spent on other benefical public services. This essay, however, strongly disagrees with this statement . arts are the various practices formed wh
It is said that some believe the government should spend their money elsewhere rather than on the arts, because it is a waste of money. I strongly disagree with this opinion due to its financial benefits.
Governments have a growing interest in art today. However, some people who do not share this passion claim that money spent on art is a waste of revenue. While others think highly of arts and appreciate investing in it.
Several individuals agree that the government's finances are being wasted on professions, instead of that money would be better spent elsewhere. This writer disagrees with this notion due to the fact that craft is one of
Due to the limited budgets of the country, the government is responsible for allocating them for activities that are important and should be immediately developed. Some people consider that the government should not spen
Arts is a creative skill that is a precious gift by god to those souls who deserve it.Nowadays, the government encourages this profession to contribute their budget to it. However, some people believe that authority is d
in modern life that we recently live there a big argued about if government shouldn’t waste money in art , some people beleive art is important and the governmet should supports art but in another hand some individuals
It is thought by some that the states should spend money on the art while others say it is better to use it to improve other parts in the countries. I strongly disagree with this viewpoint, the reasons will be outlined i
In contemporary discourse,several individuals argue that the authorities are spending recklessly in large amounts of funds on the arts and that this budget might be invested more efficiently in other fields.However,I do
The amount of money spent on art is a hotly debated topic that often divides. Some people think it is wasteful for government to use money on the arts.
Some people believe that the authorities are spending a lot of money on the arts and that this budget might be invested more effectively in other fields. In this essay, however, I will challenge this school of thought.
The high authorities spend huge amount of capital on the arts rather than spending money on rising issues such as, poverty, global crisies and increasing crime rate. According to my opinion government should give more im
Many people believe that financial resources should be allocated to pressing issues rather than to the arts. The writer contends that striking a balance between two decisions is vital as it ensures both can benefit socie
There is an ongoing debate regarding arts. Some individuals believe that the constitution is wasting a lot of money on arts and that money would be used at different areas. In my opinion, I agree with this view to a lar
Some people claim that the government funds should not be wasted on arts, instead, the money can be used in other important things. I agree with this statement because the government officials can use the money in solvin
It is an irrefutable fact that the authorities allocate the funds equally to all sectors to ameliorate public services. Nevertheless, some individuals claim that instead of spending valuable money on art, the regime shou
Nowadays, more and more governments spend money on the arts. A numer of people believe this is wasting money while others believe governments should use money for other important public issues. In my opinion, I partially
In our contemporary society, some public are of the view that the government is wasting money on the arts and that these fundings could be better spent in other aspects. I support this statement and will discuss the reas
One of the governments’ splurges is installing some art, which makes some people, especially the citizens, argue that the money should be spent on something more useful. I, hereby, agree with those who feel that way as t
Government has a widerange of responsibility in order to create a better life for the people. One of their duties is to regulate state finances based on each sectors. Many sectors in the state need to be arranged precise
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