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Regardless of age, every person is looking out in the world to be happy. Some relate happy moments with with a lack of obligations. On the other hand, others think that the adult years bring more joy as they are more ind
Regardless of age, every person is looking out in the world to be happy. Some relate happy moments with a lack of obligations. On the other hand, others think that the adult years bring more joy as they are more independ
Regardless of the age, every person is looking out in the world to be happy. Some believe that teenage times with lack of responsibilities, is the happiest moments of life. In the otherhand, others think that adult year
first of all i have same idea of first context because young years of our lives has kidness and enjoyment becuse young persons dosen't have any responsable about anything this age's always moving with childhood activitie
Some individuals believe that , adolescent years are the happiest period of their lives ,when others think that adult time is the happiest despite responsibility all around.This essay will disagree that grown-up time is
There has been a debate whether adolesence or adult life could be considered as the most memorable time of a person's lives. I think both views are relevant depending on each individuals' experiences, but for me, when I
It is true that in this day and age, opinion is divided over whether youth years are the most valuable time in life, while other think that adult life ought to have more joy. In this essay, I will look at both sides of t
In our life, every one should gone to the teenage stage and adult stage and every one haqve some happienst memories at teenage and adult satge. Also, this essay will be discussed aabout happiest time of before marriage a
While thinking about the teenage hood, some people believe that most happiest age of the life without authorised duties, the others think that after age twenty is the most pleasurable. I completely agree with the first s
It becomes increasingly common for young people in undeveloped countries to take a year off between high school and university. Despite some reservation, I tend to agreed with the above statement.
It is argued that teenage years are the best periods because of the lack of things we have to do, while others claim that although it brings more duties, being a major brings more joy because they can decide by themselve
Today, there is an argument between people who believe that living in the teenage period is the most joyful time of every person's life and people who have faith that besides a lot of work in adulthood period, this time
Life is a struggle and every phase of the life has it's own importance. Every stages of the life teaches us myriad valuable lessons . One of the most conspicuous trends of today's world is a colossal upsurge in the numbe
Defination of happiness varies from person to person opinion. While few people opine that the childhood is the most enjoyable part of life, others believes adulthood is the prime time of life. In my perspective, children
there is no denying the fact that the teenage years are the happiest time of most people's lives. While it is a commonly held belief that adult life brings more happiness, in spite of great responsibility, there is also
People feel various feelings in their lives. Some of them believe First Nation teenage eras is more likely to be the cheerful period. Therefore, I agree with this nation.
People through various moments in life which bring happiness to theirs. While some of them believe that they feel happy in their adult stage, I stand with those who argue that the teenage' eras are the years when most p
It is a debatable issue that never ending teenage lives are happiest time of human life. While, other people opine the mature era is more happiness. In this essay, I will discuss with the following paragraphs and in m
There is a debate about whether puberty eras are better than adulthood in terms of happiness. This essay will examine both viewpoints and present a balanced opinion from my perspective.
While teenagehood is considered to be more joyful and carefree, some people are of the opinion that adulthood is the happiest time. In my opinion, as teenagers have more free time and no pressure of responsibilities, the
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