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While teenagehood is considered to be more joyful and carefree, some people are of the opinion that adulthood is the happiest time. In my opinion, as teenagers have more free time and no pressure of responsibilities, the
Many people feel that younger generation is happier than the older ones however, There are some individuals who are of the thought that adults are more happy then teenagers beside having more responsibilities.I personall
Certain individuals assume that youth time is the most cheerful time for people.Whereas, others reckon that the life of adults has much more happiness, despite the fact of responsibilities.
It is debatable issue that never ending about the teenage lifes are happinest times of the human lives. While, other people opine the mature era is more happiness. In this essay, I will disscus with the following paragra
Some individuals advocate that the happiest time in people's lifespan should be their teenage years; however, others believe that adults would enjoy more then youngsters, despite expanded responsibilities related to adul
A part of people believe that adolescence time is a joyful period of many individual's lives. However, others think that adulthood gives them more enjoyment, while it has more obligations to perform. Although post-adole
A part of society believes that teenage days are gorgeous and are the happiest part of one's life but others reckon that individuals can experience more happiness during their adult life. I agree with the first notion a
There is an argument that the teenage years are the happiest times of most people's lives, meanwhile, others think that adult life brings more happiness, in spite of greater responsibilities. I believe that teenage years
In the present world,A number of people believe that the most glad years in their life are when they were teenagers.However,there are some who have different thinking that adulthood were the happiest time for them.In my
The juvenile years are indeed a delightful time for the majority of the crowd. However, some people believe that a mature life brings more happiness despite greater burdens. In my opinion, I completely agree with the fir
The question of whether life’s happiest period occurs during one's youth or adulthood, despite the latter's greater responsibilities, elicits varied opinions. This essay will examine both perspectives before presenting m
Opinions are divided on whether young age or adult lifetimes are the happiest in people's lives. I believe it depends on different individuals' perspectives, which will be proved in this essay.
Most of the people believe that the teenage is the best time of their life while others think adult is the joyful time instead of lot of responsibilities. I will explain both views further.
As a human being who cares about the environment by working in NGOs, I am very interested in how a country can manage the environment well and provide healthy and appropriate public information to the public. This can be
It is argued that adolescence years are the happiest years in one’s life, while others believe that adulthood is the most joyful phase to live despite having bigger responsibilities. This essay believes that, although ad
According to individuals presents the view that the happiest time of one's life is when they are teenage, while others believe that despite adults' responsibilities, they are more likely to be more satisfied with their l
A group of individuals presents the view that the happiest time of one's life is when they are teens, while others believe that despite adults' responsibilities, they are more likely to be more satisfied with their lives
There are competing views on whether teenage years or adult life is better. Although during adulthood people enjoy more independence, I believe that they truly enjoy the phase of being in the moment.
One of the social concerns today relates to the most wonderful time of people’s lives. While it is widely believed that adolescents have the feeling of happiness than adults, others believe that adulthood is more enjoyab
Undoubtedly, world is divided into two groups as per the distinct mindset of people. Therefore, it has become a debatable issue whether teenage years are more joyful or the adult life.This essay will not only shed light
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