In order to earn a good job, some people think getting a university degree is a necessity while others think it is better to own experience and soft skills. However, both sides provide benefits on their own for instance
University education is one of the keywords of our time. A man without a good education,many of us believe, is an unfortunate victim of adverse circumstances. Nowadays, university education is becoming more and more comm
University education is one of the key words of our time. A man without an good education,many of us believe, is unfortunate victim of adverse circumstances. Nowadays, university education is becoming more and more commo
With the development of society, more and more people are focus on development path of college education.Some people hold the view that teachers should pay more attention to career skills for the future.Whereas others th
Some people support the argument that going through tertiary schooling is the most assured means to getting work while others believe that getting and building skills on the job is of greater value. Assuredly, both sides
It is believed by some individuals that finishing from the university and getting a degree as an effective method of securing an employment, while others consider the acquisition of practical skills and experience as mor
There is a notion that having a Bachelor's or Master's degree is the most effective method to land a high-powered job.However,other individuals think that possessing extensive background and improving abilities is crucia
Some people considered that getting a degree from a university is the best way to secure better employment. whilst there are others who think that gaining experience and polishing soft skills are more significant. Howev
Some say that graduation is essential to have a better job while others believe that work knowledge and good communication skills are the most significant of all. Although a graduate degree opens up doors for ample job o
It is true that nowadays nobody can lead their life without work it is thought by some people that completing a university education is thought by some people to be the right path to getting a better job. Others believed
In this modern era, some people believe that skills of employment should be focused on university education, while others think that they should be straight to academic study. This essay will be examined both of these vi
It is commonly believed that university is the sole pathway to achieving success. On the other hand, certain people contradict this belief. However, in my opinion, apart from educational institution learning, life skills
Some people argue that completing a higher degree education is leading to a higher job ladder. However, others consider work experience and skill to have a more significant role in a career. Although sharpened work skill
A number of individuals believe that to be graduated from higher education is the most pivotal factor to succeed in a future career, whilst others think that having a lot of experience and good soft skills is the best wa
Although graduating from university is pivotal for most people to achieve their dream job, others argue that enhancing soft skills and gaining real-life experiences are preferred over the first one. Personally, I believe
There is a popular concept that laptops and phones might have bad influence on teenagers’ studying skills. From my perspective, it is the matter of awareness. I can not agree with this saying, because negative effects ma
It is a common thought that having university diploma is the main key to excellent job. However there is another group of people who have another conception, which advocates being accepted by showing skills and presentin
Education plays a vital role in everybody's life. Some communities believe that students should continue their education by doing higher studies while some other communities argue with this matter and say that they shoul
It is considered by some people think that being a university graduate is the key benefit to getting a good job, while others believe it is good to have experience and soft skills. In my opinion, I believe that having a
Some people believe gaining experience and obtaining soft skills is more relevant to getting a prominent job. While others believe finishing university is the ultimate method. Although achieving a higher-degree might all