IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is argued that the only way to show love and care for your relatives and friends is through gifts rather than other mediums. In my opinion there are other ways of showing affection towards your friends which are more
Peers and Relatives provide immense strength and happiness to an individual in their unfortunate and fortunate times. While few folks believe gifting is a form of showing concern and acknowledging family and friends whil
In recent times, the need to understand how to show care is an issue all over the world. Nowadays, it is no longer clear for people how to show their care about others. There are those who believe gifts is a perfect way,
Factory farming is so popular these day since this meets the increasing demands of food requirement. However, there are many people who think that this can have many repercussions on humans as well as the earth. I, perso
Some think that giving presents and gifts to friends and family is important to demonstrate our care for them. Others believe that there are better alternatives to show a good attitude to them. I personally think that gi
Nowadays, many individuals arguing about gift exchange. Everyone has a different view on this topic. Some people think that people have to give their friends and family gifts to show their love for them. On the other han
Nevertheless, presents are different way to show love to people around us . A segment of society believes that giving gifts and presents is the better way to show our affection for our near and dear ones , other opine th
To show love and care for your near ones there are different ways a segment of society believes that it is vital to give gift to your friends and family gift show other people believe that there are various good ways t
Giving presents to someone is a means to show your love and affection towards them. many people believe that buying a gift and giving them to your relatives and family members is a way of showing respect to them while ot
Gifts are the token of love. People exchange gifts on birthdays, marriage anniversaries and on other occasions. It is said by some individuals that in order to show love and affection to others people should exchang
There are many ways how one can express their feelings of love and affection. According to some, giving presents to their loved ones is important but I strongly believe that there are different ways of expressing care. T
Sending gifts to someone is a way of showing love and appreciation. Some people oppose that, the best way to depict care for a significant person is through giving material gifts. However, others argued that there are se
It is considered that some people think conferring gifts or presents to friends or relatives is crucial to display them you obligation and love them, while others think that there are several other ways to make them feel
Gifts are called token of love. Some short sighted people claim that, the best way to show care about dear ones to give gifts to them. While, others argued that, there are also some other ways to depict love, as affectio
People have different views about the manner of indicating their love and respect. Some individuals believe that giving presents is the best way of caring towards our parents and friends, even though some perceive that t
Most people argue that presenting a gift to your loved ones is a medium to show warmth besides that some people contend that there are other different methods to show love and care. In my opinion, I believe that bestowin
Gifts are a vital form of showing love from the past few years. Therefore, some people say that it is important to give presents to mates and relatives to pageant them our love. Other people opine that there are several
A large number of people believe that precious items in form of gifts and presents to their loved ones is the best while others are of the view that there are several ways to show love. I am of the opinion that showing c
A fair portion of people believe that to express their care towards their dear ones is to shower them with gifts. While others believe showing concern on them through enhanced way. I believe there are different methods t
'Surprising' is an emotion that comes out of the heart. It is represented in the form of gifts or presents physically. 'Happiness' comes followed by that. Giving gifts are seen as a form of showing love and affection
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