IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Some believe that it is good to work at the same workplace all their working life, whereas others argue that it is better to work at a different organisation. This essay will discuss topics from both sides of view with s
There is growing sentiment today that people should change, and try some new jobs during their working life, while others believe that the opposite is true. From my point of view, I believe that people should try some di
It is believed by many that working for the same corporation throughout the career life is beneficial. However, others discern that shifting organizations is much more fruitful. I firmly believe that both of them are equ
Work is a fundamental need for everyone to live a sedentary lifestyle and some masses want to stick in the same place for their entire life but other groups of people claim that people should work in distinct institution
It is well-known fact that some people have had a job in the same company since they started to work, while others consider that changing employer is more beneficial. Nowadays, every individual should expect change and
Traditionally it is considered natural to work in the same company and retire from there. The modern approach, however, is switching jobs in a couple of years to stay relevant. Whilst some people still stick to the tradi
Nowadays, with the workforce that keeps growing, more and more people started asking whether it is better to work for the same company all your life or to move from others from time to time. In the upcoming paragraphs, I
There are various career paths for people nowadays. Although some people do the job for one company throughout their working life, others believe that it is more beneficial to change firms. In my opinion, I believe that
There are various career paths for people nowadays. Although some people do the job for one company throughout their working life, others believe that it is more beneficial to change their workplaces. In my opinion, I be
It is often argued that people should work in the same institution for their entire working journey since it is claimed effective to widen workers' potential; while others think moving to other companies is a good choice
In present days, there are some opinions saying people should devote themselves to one company whereas others believe that workers need to work for several different firms. Both opinions are accepted in society. In this
It is often argued by a substantial proportion of individuals who think that it is a better option to work for one organisation. However, others believe that people should work in different industries. This essay will di
Working with the organization is a dream for many peoples', and it can have number of advantages for employees. Where, while working for company many many people believe to work with same co-operation for rest of their l
The rapid development of the economy has significantly boosted the numbers of employment in our society during the past decades. There are two debatable perspectives regarding if employees should work in the same organiz
Many individuals choose to work in a company that suits their respective fields of study. Some work in one particular firm for their entire work life whereas others switch from one company to another in search of a job i
Some people believe they should change their jobs multiple times in their lives, while there is a different group who claim workers must stay with one organization until the end of their career time is over. These two op
The working environment is different from one workplace to another. Is working in the same job location preferable more than working in a different place or the opposite is more chosen? I opine that working with the sam
Working module is one of the most arguing topic among the employees and even the employers. Some people prefer to spend all their working life in the same place while others totally disagree. Both of them have advantages
Working for the same company for all life is the best choice for someone but for others frequents changes is more advantages. In both of point there are positive and negative aspects and in this essay i will try to illus
Many people spend all their lifetime working for the same company. In the contruary, we can find people which always alter their organisation.
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