IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Nowadays, the majority of education is changening and evolving, such as schools and universities. Besides, many teachers are developing and more educated in their field. However, some tutors consider that international s
These days many teachers argue that all secondary school pupils should take part in international exchange programs because of thier significant advantages. While some claim that this trend could bring several drawbacks
Some teachers reckon that there are a variety of benefits that school admission can gain from transferring.Although this idea has many advantages, the main one is that he can get a quality education however,missing his p
People migrating to different parts of the world is very common today and parents are enrolling their children in schools. A plethora of educators holds the view that the transition of international students to the class
Nowaway days, lecturers think that when students study from abroad, it bensfits them in life. In my opinion, this essay will agree that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.
These days, exchanging international students is debatable. Although there is a number of benefits to this trend, I believe the drawbacks involved are more.
Students can get the experiences from various sources in their country and overseas. While some people think that the global exchange program for students has more drawbacks, some teachers believe that its benefits are d
These days, some teachers argue that exchange programs would bring benefits to all students, while others consider that this trend could bring disadvantages too. For me, I totally admit that more benefits are significant
In the contemporary epoch, most the teachers around the world believe, that it is beneficial for students to participate in international student exchange programs. From my point of view, I completely agree with this vi
Over the past few decades, the world has evolved and changed substantially in many ways, which resulted in various modes of teaching programmes and strategies. Some teachers believe that foreign student exchange plans wo
Educators believe that there are benefits that school teenagers can gain from exchanging. In this , essay I will discuss both views and express my own view.
An exchange program has benefits for all adolescent students. Despite there being some dangers of misbehaviour, the benefit of being exposed to a new culture and resulting development of the teenager far outweighs any dr
Back in the days, everyone used to live in a fixed place during their lives. Nevertheless, in modern days, people frequently change their living location. They now prefer living in some dissimilar places in their standar
There is a new idea among the teachers at primary schools of introducing one major alteration in an educational process. However, there are some discussions regarding what change would be the most effective to ensure bet
Nowadays, student exchange programs are gaining traction and some teachers believe that international student exchange can positively influence all school students. This essay agrees that this phenomenon is beneficial to
It is considered by certain professors that international student exchange has a positive impact on highschool students. In my opinion the advantages of living in a new culture and learning new information overcomes the
It is believed by some teachers that encouraging student exchange on an international level would be useful for young learners attending school. This trend may have many perks but they do not outweigh its cons.
It is true that the opportunity of studying abroad would be advantageous for younger people. In my opinion, while there are some negative consequences of this matter, I would argue that these are outweighed by the benefi
there is a number of educators who think that programs of student exchanges overseas could be positive for all students during their adolescence. This essay will explain why the worth idea of including them all would dev
'These days, as the number of students who study abroad has increased, some teaching professionals assert that exchange programs of education have some positive effects on adolescents in international schools. I support
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