IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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the hub of life, and the oris is of oun ishing freshwater uiesounces has also in beny severe Therefore, many people government should impose restulction Use of fresh water, where as some peop se the pestujaints on water
The issue of whether people can use fresh water as they like or it is controled by the government is open to debate. This essay will discuss both views and present my outlook.
Compared to fifty years ago, human now could consume freshwater easily. However, most of people use this advantage unwisely, and others believe that the government should tackle this issue. This essay will discuss both v
Nowadays, there are some different opinions involved on the freedom to use water. While some think that it is right to use fresh water freely ,others believe that water usage should be closely regulated by the government
Water is an essential-needed for human, animal and also with the environment. However, freshwater is rarely to be found since the particular factors such as water contamination. In this essay, both sides of the debate wi
There are two different views on who should be responsible for fresh water, the public or the government. If the public use fresh water without the limitation of governments, it will provide convenience to people. Howev
It is believed by some people that people should be free with respect to reaching freshwater sources while others assert that these sources should be in control by government due to their limits. Freedom in accessing fre
There are differing opinions in regard to the freedom to use fresh water. Some believe citizens should have the right to use fresh water freely, while others assert that the state should regulate the amount of fresh wate
The graph provides information about the consumption of several commodities in European Country between 1979 and 2004. These were chicken, beef, lamb and fish.
The topic of the consumption of freshwater has been controversial. Some people believe that they can consume fresh water as much as they want, whereas I agree with those who think that the freshwater water supply should
The globe has an endless supply of fresh water for human consumption, but as the population increases, management for it is needed at some stage. Some individuals believe that officials of the government should be respo
Nowadays humanity faced a lot of environmental problems as a result of technological and industrial development. One of such problems is the fresh water shortage.
It is argued that water should be used by the individuals to their fullest as it is the fundamental need of people whilst other beleive that water usage should be governed by authority beacuse of the scarcity of water an
Some individuals advocate that they are entitled to sufficient fresh water, while others demonstrate the restriction on water supplies is an absolute necessity. From my perspective, even though it is somehow reasonable t
It is believed by some that there should be strict regulations on the use of fresh water, while others hold the opinion that individuals should have complete freedom on water use. I strongly support a strictly controlled
Water is an essential resource for all living creatures to survive in the world. In recent times, many people are died due to water scarcity in Africa. However, some people concur that people impose a tax on the governm
Nature provides us wide range of renewable and non-renewable resources, some of them are in misuse or some are diminishing day by day. With regard to water ,some sections of society consider that they can utilize it bey
Few audiences believe that there should be a restriction on freshwater supply by the higher authorities since the amount of fresh water is very minimal. Whilst, others have an opinion that since water is a natural resour
Water is one of the most important things in life, especially fresh water. Many people believe that the government must strictly motorize how to use fresh water because of limited resources. While others do not think tha
A highly controversial issue these days relates to wether to have to allow the usage of fresh water for the public as much as they need or not. In this essay, I am going to examine this question from both points of view
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