IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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People have different views on whether studying other subjects with the main subject has positive or negative influences on students. This essay will discuss this phenomenon from both perspectives, and I believe that stu
It is true that in this day and age, opinion is divided over whether some people insist that college students should focus on their major subject rather than studying subjects in which they are not majoring. In this essa
It is argued by some that while students at the degree level should learn various alternative subjects, others believe that they should focus on studying their main courses only. This essay will discuss these two contras
One point of view supports that it is beneficial to study deeply and more about their professions in the university, while others say that they should learn as well as different subjects. This essay will argue that altho
there is an ongioing debate among university students on the importance of learning a high variety of topics. Majority of learners believe it is important for them to be exposed to various subjects, and others hold on t
Whether or not university enlistment should dedicate all their academic endeavours to their main major is a debatable matter. While some state that focusing on only one field is of higher importance, others and I adhere
There is no denying the fact that students attend university to improve their prospects and find suitable employment after graduation. While it is a commonly held belief that some learners feel about other subjects in ad
There is no denying the fact that students attend university to improve their prospects and find suitable employment after graduation. While it is a commonly held belief that some learners feel about other subjects in ad
It is no matter what period people live in, learning as well as education is something we must do, to contribute to a better life. Nowadays, some university students want to learn about other subjects beside their main c
Some students studying at higher level in university may feel like looking into studying other subjects as an addition to their main subjects of focus. On the contrary, others argue that it is crucial to dedicate the ent
People have different views about whether the educators ought to just focus on their main subjects in university in order to become professional, or they are free to study other subjects simultaneously. In my point of vi
These days, some universities want to add some different subjects to their main course. Others believe it is more important to give all their time to studying for a qualification. I here discuss both views and get my opi
During the university stage, students are divided into two groups, the first group prefers to extend the studying coverage by adding some supportive courses to the main one, while the other party prefers to focus and pay
Nowadays, there are many courses offered to college students. Also, the students can choose subjects that they want to study. Some people believe that focusing on major subjects is more crucial than studying both mandato
As the available job fields are getting more competitive, some undergraduate students have a strong desire to enhance their skills by learning other subjects which are related to their primary subjects. Meanwhile, others
An argument has arisen between two groups, the first one believes that university students have the right to study a variety of subjects, while the second view says that they should concentrate on their main major. In th
Nowadays, many people in over the world special a lot of time using social media to keep in touch with other people and get news events. In this writer will talk about the advantages that outweigh the disadvantages.
Global training is crucial for personal and integral development. However, the advent of new types of teaching has led to most students focusing on their specific skills instead of receiving complete training, although m
Good education is what makes us qualified for the job that we are interested in but getting education dosen't mean only going to good university. Some students prefer improve their skills, learn how to work with informat
In today's world, the popularity of learning other lectures has increased. Students take other lessons because they want to increase their knowledge. Some people believe that taking other subjects has some advantages for
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