IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Some university students opt to mainly focus on studying for a qualification, while others prefer to discover various subjects apart from their main subjects. Personally, I tend to learn about different subjects besides
Recently , the major of universities has providied additional subjects for their students.whilst these subjects may have advantages, others argue that it is should give all interesting in studying the main majors. This
In the present age, whether dedicating the whole time for one particular discipline provide more benefits than learning about extra subjects has sparked much debate. Some people assert that studying only one area can mak
It is considered by some university students that doing extra-curricular activities together with the curriculum make their school life more enjoyable, while for others, concentrating on study is more crucial than anythi
Some pupil attend to concentrate on other subjects instead of their homework however; the others certainly spend much more time on studying to achieve a certificate and qualification. I personally believe that, focusing
Some students want to study other subjects despite their main study,while some students think that they should pay attention to their main subjects because it is essential for them. In my opinion, additional subjects can
In recent years, students especially in university can study anything they want, so they have opportunities to learn other subjects besides on their majors. Some say that they should focus on their studies and not spend
This essay addresses conflicting perspectives on how university students should manage their time: one advocating for diversifying their learning by exploring additional subjects, while the other emphasizes focusing sole
Although the most significant number of university students, like me, want to learn various subjects as well as their core subject, others believe that it is crucial to devote their focus solely to their qualifications.
Some people who does their higher education prefer to study additional areas outside the targeted one, while others think that it is more crucial to focus and spend time on a qualified goal. While investing all to the pr
Some people claim that university students should study a single major that they choose for a qualification while others say that they need to learn more than one subject. In this essay, we are going to discuss both view
Main subjects in university are the most important for students whereas other students think they must study different subjects and they don’t need to expend time to do another subjectsubjects,in this essay I discuss bot
Every year, there are more and more students enrolling for university. It is aruged that university students should only focus on their major, while others believe that in addition to their main subjects would be benefic
There have been conflicting ideas on whether students at university-level should learn additional subjects or not. I believe that pupils should learn new things and knowledge because it can improve their capacity and ac
There have been conflicting ideas on whether students in university level should learn additional subjects or not. I believe that pupils should learn new things and knowledge because it can improve their capacity and ac
Some university students want to learn other subjects in addition to their main subjects. While others believe to focus studying to get a particular qualification. This essay will explain both perspective between learn a
In today’s world, people to have a delightful life need comprehensive information; therefore, a series of students have a strong belief that not only students should read subjects related to their major but also student
Education is the most powerful asset of a person . Educated youth is the backbone of the society. Education is the key to success therefore in the midst of change , people are eager to ace as many as subjects they can
Recently, some people have argued that students should learn various subjects other than the main field of their study at the university; by contrast, others believe that studying for qualifications and majors alone is e
With more students study at university, there are variety of subjects can select. Whether students should spend more time drilling their core subjects or learn from elective subjects based on their own interest had becom
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