IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Nowadays, people start to lose health over time for several reasons, The median standard of population health is probable to be reduced in the future from what is now, and I completely agree.
In the ancient eras, the public did not have medical facilities and the average life was about 60 years per person. With modern medical technologies and public awareness, humans are getting health-sensitive and eating th
Health is,always considered by many, a precious gift to all of us. In this day and age, people's average health standard is supposed to be decreasing in the coming days as compared to now. I strongly support this notion
As the world becomes more incredible with its technology, I believe that the median standard of public health tends to increase, rather than decrease, as many people believe in this notion. In my opinion, the advancement
There is a belief stating that in the future, there is a possibility that the average standard of people's health will decrease compared to how it is now. I personally disagree with this statement and think that in contr
The prospective of declining human's health is a modern day concern but how much will it decline in the future is unpredictable. The decline of both physical and mental health could be accelerated or either slown down by
Some people contend that the average standard of people's health will decline in the future, while others believe that the standard will be better than now. In this essay, I will address two diametrically opposed views,
In this day and age, people have adopted certain habits to make life easy such as a sedentary lifestyle which has detrimental effects in the near future. I firmly agree with the argument that some transformations are har
In this day and age, people has adopting certain habits to make life easy such as sedentary lifestyle which has deterimental effects in the near future. I firmly agree with the argument that some transformations are harm
Some people believe that in the upcoming years, humans physical condition should worsen than the present situation. I strongly agree with this statement; the usage of junk foods and a lack of exercise would lead them to
Recently, there have been a lot of discussions about health and whether it is going to improve or not. In my opinion, I think that people will become unhealthier in the future than they are now. There are many reasons th
As the world become more increadible with it's technology, I believe that the median standard of public health is tend to increase, rather that decreased, as many people belive in this notion. In my opinion, the advancem
There is no denying the fact that people’s health plays a very crucial role in their lives. While it is a commonly held belief that the health of humanity is probably to deteriorate in the future compared to it now, ther
Some opine that an individual's standard health is most likely to diminish in the near future. I completely agree with the statement, looking at the quality of food and physical activity performed by an individual it is
In the future, if certain global issues persist, it will become more challenging to sustain human life on Earth. Some people believe that a large expenditure should be made on exploring other planets to survive, such as
With the passage of time and the improvement of technology and science, the average life span and overall well-being have been on a steady growth, however, this also resulted in many becoming too comfortable and lazy. Wh
people's health state standard is considered to worsen in the following years. In this essay, I'm going to provide my opinion on the topic as well as state the reasons of such trend.
The average standard of an individual's health is likely to be poorer in the future than it is now. I entirely agree with this statement as most people do not exercise and eat healthy foods.
Due to the development in the fast food culture and the lifestyle, people’s lives are deteriorating day by day. It is said that an average person's health would worsen in the future. In my opinion, I agree with this stat
Many people believe that they have to fund the research to find another planet because it is getting harder to stay on this planet in the future. I disagree with that opinion because the first one people cannot live on a
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