The bar chart illustrates what is the difference between men and women in Australia who did sport, separating into different groups according to age in 2010.
The provided bar graph depicts the percentage of male and female in Australia of disparate age groups who were invovled in the regular physical activity in the year 2010.
The picture denotes the proportion of Australian who did daily physical exercise based on gender and separated into different age brackets throughout 2010. Generally, female was dominant of religiously doing physical act
The column chart illustrates the proportion of Australian males and females in diverse age groups who did exercise on a regular basis in the year 2010.
This bar chart illustrates the percentage of Australian individuals of both genders based on their daily exercise from being fifteen years old until becoming 65 or older, in the year 2010.
The bar chart illustrates the percentage of regular exercising in females and males lives in Austalia in 2010. Overall, it can be clearly seen that women in 5 age groups of 6 did exercises more regularly than men, while
The representation below illustrates the statistics of Australian people who did physical activity constantly through six peer-groups between female and male in 2010. A first glance at the diagram, reveals that all in al
The chart demonstrates the figures, categorized into five age groups, related to the percentage of Australians exercising regularly for both genders in 2010. Overall, women had done more frequent activities than men, exc
The bar chart provides information on the percentage of Australian men’s and women’s Daily physical exercise in 2010. It can be clearly seen that the female for age 55 to 64 was the highest percentage of daily exercise a