The chart shows information regarding the proportion of men and women, from UK and of varying age group, who eat five portions of fruits and vegetables in 2006. This is in accordance with world health organization's reco
The bar chart illustrates the proportion of people who ate five or more parts of fruit and vegetables in the UK in 2006 divided by gender and age group.
The bar chart illustrates the percentage of fruit and vegetable consumption between males and females, divided into 7 ranges of age which include 19 to 24, 25 to 34, 35 to 44, 45 to 54, 55 to 64, 65 to 74 and 75 years.
The given bar chart provides information about the propotion of consuming five or more portions of fruit and vagetables per day by seven different age groups which divided based on gender in the United Kingdom in 2006.
The bar chart makes a comparison between the percentage of males and females aged 18-20 in a city who participated in 5 activities (basketball, cycling, football, swimming, hockey) in nine months in 2015.
The bar chart illustrates the proportion of men and women consuming more than five portions of fruits and vegetables per day at different ages in the UK in 2006.
The given bar charts describe the percentage of two types of television programmes, namely reality and game shows watched by males and females by different age groups in Australia.
The bar charts provide information on the proportion of Australian males and females from a wide range of ages watching reality and game shows. Overall, the majority of people aged 45 and above contribute towards watchin
The chart represents data on the proportion of males and females among different age groups in the UK in 2006 who ate five times or more per day fruits and vegetables. Overall, it can be seen that the males and females h
Given is the bar chart comparing the proportions of favorite sports (basketball, cycling, football, swimming, and hockey) of men and women ages from 18 to 20.
The following illustration depicts the percentage of two sexes in UK that daily consume five or more portions of fruits and vegetables in 2006. There are 7 seven age groups of people illustrated on the bar chart.
The bar chart illustrates the proportion of two genders aged between 18 and 20 taking part in different activities in a month in the year 2015. Overall, football was the most popular sport among adolescent males whereas
The bar charts shows the details the percentage of two types of television programmes, namely reality and game shows watched by males and females in different age groups in Australia.
The given bar chart highlights information about the amount of vegetables and fruits which were eaten by both genders with different ages each day in the UK, in 2006.
The world organization made a bar chart by age with percentage count for how many women & men eat fruits and vegetabels dring the day in the UK 2006, They recommends that people should eat five or more portions of both f