IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In contemporary societies, owing to globalization, there is a belief that having occupations in an international corporation is the essence of comprehending other traditions. This writer firmly disagrees that there are a
In the modern era, it is common for people to believe that working in an international company is the most effective method to learn new cultures. This writer agrees with this because of the travelling opportunities and
It is believed that working in an international organisation is one of the best ways of becoming aware of different cultures worldwide. I partially agree with this point of view.
In recent years, it is commonly believed that the beneficial way to understand another other cultures is to work for a multinational organization. Personally, I agree with this opinion for a variety of reasons.
In this day and age, an amalgamation of various cultures is proliferating. There are many who suggest that the most appropriate way to understand different cultural traditions is to have a job at a multinational corporat
It is argued that working in an international organisation is one of the best ways of becoming aware of different cultures worldwide. I partially agree with this point of view.
Dealing with other cultures in the world is a critical matter that helps people either to be familiar with inhabitants from different countries or to be weird about them. From my perspective, I totally agree that people
Some people claim that working in a multinational organization is the best way to develop understanding of other cultures. I disagree with this view because there are other ways which are more effective yet effortless.
To connect or become familiar with other cultures not only our can work for international company but also, we can approach it in many ways. Such as seeing some documentary movies or educating in some courses at the univ
In this essay, I will discuss why I agree that the most efficient way to understand other cultures is to work for a multinational company or organization.
In this contemporary epoch, whilst proponents hold the view that it is not necessary to be part of such companies, in order to get familiar with a large variety of cultures, the opponents hold a diverse view. However, I
In this contemporary epoch, whilst opponents hold the view that working in multinational companies improves communication skills with other nationalities, proponents have a diverse view.However, I am a staunch believer t
There are divergent views about music and how it affects each and everyone of us. certain individual are of the opinion that music is a good way of unite people of different age and culture together. i completely agree t
Cultures and traditions of communities are considered as esteem and being preserved from the ancient days. Some people believe that the significant approach to explore other cultures is to work in multinational companies
Today multinational organizations do business across the world and create employment for many people. It has been claimed that such a company provides the best opportunity for its employees to learn about other cultures;
Today multinational organizations do business across the globe and create employment for many people. It is said that working for such companies is the best way to understand other cultures; however, I do not agree with
Today multinational organizations do business across the global and create employment for many people. It is said that working for such companies is the best way to understand other cultures; however, I do not agree with
Some advocate that working for a company with multinational background is the best way to understand cultures of other nations. I do not agree with this statement.
It is argued by some that working for a multinational company is the best way to learn about other cultures. This essay completely agrees with that statement, mainly due to the working relationships with people from all
It is thought that working for a multinational company is the best way to understand other cultures. People from one nation are highly likely to be exposed to other nations in such organizations. I agree that working for
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