IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The aforementioned graphs indicate the outcome of a survey among the adults to continuing their education. The first one shows the matters that people want to study. The second chart demonstrates society's thoughts abou
The graphs illustrate final outcome of questionnaire of adult education. The first bar chart provides the main reasons of why grown poeple decide to take knowledge.  The next graph gives information about the how individ
The chart illustrates the result of survey of adult education .The bar graph explains the reasons why adult decide to study .The pie chart shows the cost of each course.
the two charts below depict the summary of an opinion survey about the reason why adults decide to study beyond the age of compulsory school attendance, and how tuition fees should be split.
The graphs below illustrate the result of a survey of adult education.The first chart is about the causes of the decision to gain knowledge.The pie chart sketches out people's considerations for the costs of each course
Overall, the areas of motivation that people have to pursue higher education is shown in the line graph and the pie chart represents the tuition fees that should be funded for each course.
The bar and pie charts depict the answers to a questionnaire about adult learners. The columnar graph indicates the reasoning behind studying whereas the circular display identifies how individuals consider who should be
The first bar chart gives information about the breakdown of various reasons why students choose to study, and the second pie chart illustrates how the tuition fee for each course needs to be shared.
The data illustrates the results of a survey on adolescent education. The first chart deciphers the reasons for adult education while the second chart describes how the cost of education should be shared.
The given bar graph illustrates contributing factors of decision-making to learn the grown-ups in seven different categories, and the pie chart depicts what kind of role thought to be paid the bill for education.
The line chart presents the number of reasons why adult people decide to study. The second pie chart illustrate that their opinion on how the fee of
The bar chart displays the percentage of reasons that adults decide to study, while the pie chart illustrates how the education course's cost should be shared.
The pie chart displays the reason why adults decide to study, while the line graph illustrates how the tuition fee for each course should be funded.
The graphs illustrate a number of details, which were received during the survey among the population. The bar chart summarizes the factors that caused adults to continue their learning , whereas the pie chart informs ab
The given charts reveal the report of the survey on why adults decide to continue their studies and how tuition should be funded. Overall, it can be seen that the highest reason why people choose to study is because of
The given chart provides information regarding the percentage of different motivations of individuals to pursue education. Additionally, opinions on funding dispersal are illustrated by the pie chart below.
The given charts illustrate the outcomes of a questionnaire regarding adult education. The bar chart conveys the reasons why adults pursue education and the pie chart show how the society believes the costs should be sha
The two provided charts illustrate the adult education report. The bar chart depicts some of the factors that led adults to decide to continue their education, while the pie chart illustrates their perspective on how the
The two given charts illustrate the report on adult education. The bar chart depicts some reasons about the decision of adults to pursue their study, while the pie chart demonstrate their opinion regarding how the tuitio
The line graph demonstrates why adults decide to study and the pie chart illustrates how should be shared costs of an education for adults. In these days, 40 % of adults are getting education for their interest in subjec
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