IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The line graph depicts the frequency of people asking for information between January and June at a UK tourist office. As can be seen from the chart, the number of people coming to the office and using the telephone to a
The line graph at hand illustrates the frequency of query submissions received at a tourist information centre located in the UK over a six-month period from January to June.
The graph demonstrate of difference distribute which were people get information different ways at tourist office between January and June. There are three types of line on graph (in person, by letter, by telephone).
The line graph illustrates the amount of information requested in each method in six months starting from January to June in Great Britain.
The line graph illustrates amount of data inquired by 3 ways , that is persons , letter and telephone at a tourism office in the UK for 6 months from January to June.
The line graph illustrates requests for data at a tourist office in the UK from January to June.
The line graph depicts information about how many commuters ( in hundreds ) were informed about travel schedules by three different methods such as face-to-face by mail or letter and telephonically from January to Februa
The line graph shows detailed information about how many enquiries were received by the tourist office in a city during the six months.
The given illustration compares the variety of information request methods in United Kingdom in a 6 month period. Looking at an overall structure, it is readily apparent that the most favorable means for communication wa
The line graph depicts how frequently inquiries were made by phone, letter or email to a UK tourist office during the first half of given year. Ehen seen as a whole, it is apparent that in persons requests rose from the
The given line graph illustrates the trend of services through several methods: in person, by letter/email, and by phone, that served by a tourist center in United Kingdom between January and June. The units are measured
The Line graph presented people who inquired about tourist information from a tourist office in the UK between January and June.
The line graph illustrates the number of inquiries for tourist information from a tourist office in the UK which was made in three different ways (in person, by letter or email and by telephone) between January and June.
The graph illustrates information requested at a tourist office in the United Kingdom between January and June. Overall, it can be seen that requests by letter/email slightly decrease. Meanwhile the other way increases t
The line graph illustrates the requests for information at a visitor office in a nation during a half year. In general, although the number of requests in person is the highest among these categories, the level of it by
The line graph demonstrates the request for information at a tourist office in the United Kingdom for the first six months of the given year.
The linegraph demonstrates the request for information at a tourist office in the United Kingdom for the first six month of given year.
The chart illustrates requests for data at a tourist center in the UK between January to June.
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