IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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These pie charts illustrate how much a person consumes three types of nutrients sodium, saturated fats and added sugars in every meal on each day in the country United States of America.The data is in percentage.
According to the charts, three types of nutrients contain in typical meals, sodium, saturated fat and added sugar. The charts above, describes the avarage percentage of sodium, saturated fats and added sugars in typical
The pie charts illustrate the average proportions of three different nutrients consumed in the USA, all of which people may be harmful if consumed excessively.
The given pie charts illustrate avarage percentages of three types of nutrients in a normal meal which are bad for the health if consumed too much.
The chart illustrates the proportion of three different fibres in daily meals, and if you take too much it causes some health problems.
The pie charts compare the average contents of three nutrients including sodium,saturated fat and added sugar in daily meals which are breakfasts, lunches, dinners and snacks.
The pie charts illustrate the proportion of three types of components including sodium, saturated fat and added sugar in four daily meals in the United States.
These pie charts illustrate how much a person consumes three types of nutrients sodium, saturated fat, and added sugar in every meal on a normal day. The data is in percentage.
The pie charts display the percentage of sodium, saturated fat, and added sugar in normal meals eaten by people living in America that may not be healthy if consumed too much.
The pie chart illustrates four daily rations and the unhealthy substances that are inside them represented in percentages.
The given bar charts illustrate the average proportion in typical meals of three types of nutrients which include sodium, saturated fat and added sugar that may be unhealthy if eaten too much. Generally speaking, it is c
The provided bar charts depict the average proportion of three nutrients namely sodium, saturated fats and added sugar in typical meals of the USA. These three kinds of nutrients are considered as unhealthy if they are o
The pie charts give information about the proportion of three different kinds of nutrients in ordinary meals, all of them could harm if used extremely.
The provided pie diagrams illustrate three kinds of unhealthy substances in food, which may be harmful to wellness. Overall, the highest percentage of nutrients in dinner is about forty per cent of sodium and saturated
The chart illustrates the percentages in four different meals of three types of nutrients which are unhealthy to consume continuously.
The pie chart shows the avergae consumption of sodium, saturatedfats and added sugars by meal. All three categories of nutrients may be harmful to health if over-consumed.
The given bar charts compare the consumption of average proportion of sodium, saturated fats and added sugars in four certain categories in the United States of America.
The pie charts provide information about the average rates in types of nutrients that are contained in typical meals which might be unhealthy if consumed a lot.
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