IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The pie charts illustrate the proportion of three types of nutrients taken across all meals in the USA, it might cause health problems if eating too much any of these nutrients.
The diagram compares information about the amount of three different nutritional elements(sodium, Saturated fat and Added sugar) which are included in Breakfast, Lunch, Snacks as well as Dinner.
The given pie charts provides the proportion of of the average meals in three different types of nutriets, which potentially have adverse on human well-being if consumed too much.
The pie charts depict the distribution of sodium, saturated fats, and added sugar in four average daily meals consumed by Americans. The percentages of these three nutrients in breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks are pr
The pie charts illustrate the information about the average nutrients in three of the meals in the USA, which potentially have adverse effects on human well-being if consumed too much.
The pie charts compare the number of unhealthy ingredients namely sodium, saturated fat, and added sugar, in ordinary meals which are consumed by Americans.
The three pie charts show information about three different kinds of nutrients and their prevalence in typical American meals. There are four kinds of meal mentioned, including snacks. The figures for sodium and saturate
The given charts describe the proportion of some nutrients, namely sodium, saturated fat, and added sugar, in breakfast, dinner, lunch, and snacks in the USA. Data are presented in percentages.
The pie charts illustrates the varied proportion of nutrients namely sodium, saturated fat and added sugar consumed daily in lunch, dinner , breakfast and snacks.
The pie charts illustrate the consumption of typical meals’ nutrients including sodium, saturated fat and added sugar which are affected negatively for human consumption in the USA.
The pie charts display the average existence of saturated fats, sodium, and added sugars by percentage in regular four meals eaten by the people in the USA.
These pie charts represent three different types of dietaries Sodium, Added Sugar, and Saturated Fat. These nutrients are not healthy if you take them too much.
The pie charts are divided into four categories breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. The charts compare the average percentage of Sodium, Saturated fat, and Added sugar in each ordinary meal in the USA.
The two pie charts give information about the average value of three types of nutrients, all of which cqn be unhealthy, if consumed in excessive amounts in the USA
The pie charts illustrate information about the proportion of nutrients found in breakfast, dinner, lunch, and snacks and believed to harm us when consumed frequently.
The presented three pie charts namely sodium, saturated and sugars delineate the changes in the proportion of four meals, namely breakfast, dinner, lunch and snacks in the USA.
The charts depict the amount of three type nutrients (sodium, saturated fast, and added sugar) in 4 meals time (breakfast, lunch, snacks, and dinner). Overall, percentage of sodium in dinner is the highest amongst all me
The three pie chart demonstate the proportion of three different nutrients are contained in varied meals in the USA.
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