IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Over the last few years, modern technology has become an integral part of people's lives. It is commonly believed that it significantly prevents and solves crimes in society. I partly agree with this point of view, as I
It is undienbly true that there has been a tremendous development in the technology nowadays. Some people think that this evolution has led to a fall in the rate of crime,while I disagree with this notion because there i
Criminal activities always been a vital concern discussed by the people in society. The government are introducing new laws and using gadgets to reduce crime in society. It is agreed that new technology is helping to av
Crime is regarded as the modern days’ cancer. The technological improvements are assisting the authorities to tackle the criminal problems, hence many believe that those lead to the decline of illegal acts. Committing un
In the modern world, with the advancement of technology, there are many ways to monitor and control our city and society. Some say that this trend leads to a drop in criminal activities other argue that it's not effectiv
Many people argue that with the advancement of technology and the internet, crime is decreasing as compared to the past decades. However, I disagree with this notion and will substantiate my reasoning in the course of th
As technology is flourishing by leaps and bouds, it definitely affected human life in a variety of ways and prevention of the crime rate is one of them. Well, I agree with this statement and I am going to present my visi
In the past criminal was so high, but in recent year the advanced technology able to fix this problem with many methods. I firmly agree that high technology can reduced the crime rate in the future. This will be a good h
In this modern era, technology has become a part of daily life. We use technology in schools, offices, and homes etc. and now it makes a great impact on criminal activities. Now numerous cases were not solved in the pas
In this modern era, technology become a part of daily life. We use technology in schools, offices, and homes etc. and now it's make great impact on criminal activities. Now numerous of cases were not solved in the past
It is considered that development in technology aids in solving and preventing heinous crimes which have helped in plummeting crime rates as compared to previous years. In my opinion, I agree that modern science is he
In 21st century, technical advancement create enormous changes in the outlook of people towards criminal activities. However new creative applications help for understanding illegal activities but still crime rates are
With the advancements in science and technology, the overall crime rate has been stagnant over the years. However, I somewhat disagree with this notion as with the evolution of better technology, criminals have been adap
In recent years, the rate of crime is less than in the past years, some people point out that because our society has advanced technology. In the following essay, I will give my opinion and analysis this phenomenon.
It is sometimes argued that the reduction in lawlessness rates nowadays is due to technological expansion. In my opinion, modern society contributes to an increase in the number of criminals.
In the past decades, numerous technologies have been developed to assist in the solving of crimes. Some people think that crime rates are falling due to such advancements. I agree in parts with this statement, as I am of
in this contemporary era, latest technology protects our life from bullying and help to society to less crime rate. I favour this notion and I will share my views in the upcoming paragraph.
Today, the number of crimes committed worldwide has plunged compared with the past years. This could be attributable to the introduction of technology. This essay will show why I agree with this view and will show speci
At present, crime is prevalent and usually occurs. However, some people think that due to the development of crime detecting technologies these days, the rate of crime is lower compared to the past. In my opinion, I tot
It is undeniably that well-developed technology has brought many advantages to our society. Some people argue that the proportion of crime is noticeably dropping than before, thanks to rapid-growing technology. In my opi
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