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It is an undeniable fact that due to the faster growth in the tourism industry, English has become a prominent language in the world. Some people believe that it will become the dominant tongue around the globe. However,
It is true that the positive updates in tourism impact English as the most used language in the world, but there are people who worry about it can cause the whole population on Earth to start to talk only in English. The
Although speaking English language has become popular in the world because of the contribution of developing tourism. Other people concern it is leading to only one language will be spoken worldwide. It eases migration a
As a point of departure, it is a fact that, the English idiom actually is the best way for international communication and make simple networking people also trades and business accessible to many countries not only the
The diagram illustrates the growth rate of Gross Domestic Products for three different countries, namely Tunisia, Japan, and Ecuador between 2007 and 2010.
English language may become the only language spoken in the world in the future owing to the developments in tourism sector. The trend would bring positive as well as negative changes into the world.
Given the fact that moving around the world is getting more frequent nowadays due to the development of tourism, it is undeniable that many citizens assume the possibility of language homogenity. As a result, English, as
It is thought by some people that English, which is now the most widely spoken language in the world, may one day predominate over all other languages and result in their eventual disappearance and having one language wo
In recent times, an increasing number of people are concerned about the importance of using English globally, which is thought by some people to be advantageous for humans; however, others consider that it might be detri
In recent times, English has become a global language. The main advantage of this trend is that it helps to improve the country's economy and the main drawback is that it can affect the native language. Speaking Englis
In recent times, learning English has been increasing for years. The main advantage of this trend is that it helps to improve the economy and the main drawback is that it can affect native languages. Speaking in Engli
Over the last few decades there has been a major increase of tourism around the world, which made English the most popular language. For this reason, some people state that in the future English will be the only legal la
Tourism has brought so many good and bad things to the world today and one of the major things it has impacted on the people is the speaking of the English language which has now become so obvious that this language is t
The advancement of tourism have accounted to English becoming the most important language globally. Some individuals believe that this will result to exclusive speaking of English dialect worldwide.
There is a widespread phenomenon ,the growth of tourism will cause the English dialect to become the most paramount globally. Some individuals believe this will result in it being spoken exclusively nationwide. this es
Tourism trading due to globalisation are growing these decades ,so , there is a significant needed to know the international voice for all people ,as we know the English is the popular structure of speaking amongst many
Tourism trading due to globalisation are growing these decades ,so , there is a significant needed to know international language for all pepole ,as we know the english is the popular form of speaking amongst many nation
Due to the tourism industry expansion English is a widely spoken language in the world. Some show concern that this trend eventually would become the only dialect to communicate amongst nations. This essay will describe
Undeniably, English is becoming an important language on all continents owing to the huge development of the tourism industry. Some individuals opine that this phenomenon tends the English language to become a global mot
In this contemporary era, the booming of the tourism industry is promoting the English language globally. There is an opinion by a few individuals that this will create a situation where only English will be used worldwi
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