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Some people believe that with the development of tourism English will become the only language in the world. However, having one language in the world has both advantages and disadvantages and this essay will shed some l
The popularity of tourism all over the world is playing a vital role in being the English language superior to any other language. Therefore, It is thought that English will be the only used language in the world. Howeve
The popularity of tourism all over the world is playing a vital role for being Enlgish language superior on any other language. Therefore, It is thought that English will be the only used language over the world. Howeve
The increasing number of tourists has led to English being the most significant language worldwide. According to some, it may become the only language that will be spoken in the future. While a universal language shows c
It is true that English language is the most important sector of the development of tourism around the world. Some people believe that English is widely spoken nowadays. This essay will suggest that more flexible in econ
It is thought by some people that the development of tourism contributed to English will change to it becoming the only language spoken globally. Most people think having one language spoken globally might help the wor
English has become a universal language in the world nowadays. Some individuals believe that English will become the only language to be used internationally. There are advantages and disadvantages of communicating in a
As a result of the tourism improvement, English is becoming the most spoken language in the world and leading to be a global language. This essay will highlight both the benefits and drawbacks of having a one globally sp
The development of visitors contributed to English being the first prominent terminology globally. Many folks believe this led to English becoming the one and only wording to be spoken in the world. In this paper, I will
Based on the flourishing industry of tourism,utilization of the English language has dominated due to the interaction that is required among various nations.Therefore,some folks believe that this style would become the j
English is likely to be the most important language on earth which results from the improvement of tourism. Controversy exists as to whether having merely an accent to be communicated globally is advantageous or is an im
English has now become the global language due to tourism development. Some declared that people will only speak English in near future. Obviously, there will be pros and cons of having one language in the world and this
Because of the progress of tourism English has become the main language around the world and there are some who think this is a first step to set it as the global language. this essay will develop this thesis focus on th
People have different options regarding global speech.Tourism sectors contribute popularity of the English style around the globe.Many nations support using only one accent in the future,especially the English voice. Th
Because of the progress of tourism, English has become the main language around the world and there are some who think this is the first step to set it as the global language. the present essay will develop this thesis f
The ongoing development of tourism industry has resulted in the young generation learning English and it is being expected that this language become the universal language of the world in future. It is noteworthy to bear
The development of tourism, technological improvement, and social media are the major factor in the English language is becoming the most lingua franca language in the world. Lots of people take advantage of the easiest
Nowadays, thanks to the enhanced tourism sector, English has become the most spectacular accent in the world. It is considered that it will help English is the only way to speak universally. This situation has some adva
With the expansion of the tourism industry more and more people are travelling globally with English being one of the most common languages spoken internationally. People throughout the developed and developing countries
Nowadays, as a result of an increase in tourism around the world, English has become the most popular way of speaking. Some believe that in the future it will be a global language. In this essay, I will explain some adva
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