The diagram illustrate the cheesemaking process, from raw milk to mature cheese. Raw milk is initially pasteurized to kill harmful bacteria and then filtered. In traditional cheesemaking, fermenting microorganisms is add
The given diagram illustrates the process of producing soft cheese and there are five stages of this process such as production, mixing, cooling, fermentation, evaporation and cooling.
The diagram illustrates a linear process to produce cheese. Overall, there are ten steps in cheese production, commencing with fresh milk being processed and culminating with ripened cheese being the end product.
The diagram explains the process of producing soft cheese. Overall the process consists of 5 stages starting with mixing some components and ending with filtering a soft cheese.
The diagram illustrates the process of soft cheese creation. This is a hand-made process, with the starting point in mixing and the ending point in a cooling phase.
The picture below illustrates the production of soft cheese. Overall, there are five stages in the whole process of making cheese, which are mixing, cooling, fermentation, evaporation, and cooling before getting ready to