IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The given diagram shows the process of recycling aluminium cans. Moreover, it reveals how this product appears on supermarket shelves again.
Depicted in the given diagram is the process of recycling aluminium cans. There are several steps untill cans ca be reused. These procedures are divided into collecting, recycling and producing processes.
The given diagram illustrates the process by which the aluminium cans are recycled by using the machine.
The diagram given portrays the process of recycling and reusing aluminium cans.
the diagram illustrates how the aluminium is recycled. All in all, the steps can be divided into three groups; they are started with the activity outside the factory, continued in the manufacturing place, and finished wi
The diagram describes the steps taken in the recycling process of aluminium cans;a process which seems to be of vital importance in the UK with 74% of the Aluminium cans that are sold being recycled.
The flowchart depicts all the necessary steps in recycling aluminium cans. Those processes will be divided into two crucial steps: compressing and recycling the items.
The prison diagram illustrates the process of aluminium cans and recycling. From an overall perspective, these stages are divided into four main levels, and these are processes constantly repeating again and again.
The scheme illustrates the aluminum recycling process. The diagram shows 7 steps which used for recycling. Such as “used cans”, collection, cleaning, sorting, shredding and compressing, heating and melting, rolling, recy
The diagram illustrates how aluminium cans are recycled. The process consists of many steps(7?), starting from the collection and finishig(ending?) with a new recycled product. Thanks to this cycle, the UK is able to rei
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