IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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I strongly disagree with the proposition that the Government must divert investments in the various art forms to public services. There are various reasons why I consider this to be an egregious sentiment and I could exp
It is an undeniable fact that we are living in a diverse world. Every inches of the world is full of new ideas and notions. Moreover, new generations do not care about virtues that were respected in past decades. As a re
In our society, government investments are of the utmost importance. Distributing and spending the budget among different areas has to be done wisely. It is agreed that governments must invest this budget in public servi
It is believed by certain commoners that the government has wasted a huge amount of money on culture and entertainment. Instead, public services should be invested in these budgets. I partially agree with these stateme
Several areas of government spending lack sufficient funding. It is widely believed that public facilities and infrastructure should be prioritized over fine arts when allocating government resources. I completely agree
According this prompt, government is investing money for arts for example music drama and cultural shows instead of countries public services. However, I totally disagree with this statement due to arts can be represente
In this present world, the government budget is invested in several channels like arts and health sectors.Moreover, the main role of the responsbles is to generate revenue through a well-mixed investment portfolio. I bel
It is said that investing money in different branches of art can be considered a money waste because this money should be spent on more important matters like public services. However, I totally disagree with this statem
There are many forms of art such as music and theatre that could give an additional quality and dimension in our nation’s movement. Even though there is a group of citizen that reject a budget allocation to arts for seve
n developed countries the public service problems have been solved for years but I think developing countries should pay more attention on public services such as transportation, health cares, energy supply and so on, be
Undoubtedly, government expenditure on art including music as well as theatre is huge wastage . Therefore, it is argued that it would be great if this amount of money spent on public facilities which can be more useful.
Some argue that the government should spend tax on public convenience . while they invested it in the entertainment of the public. This essay will discuss both views and provide evidence to support my opinion.
Performing arts is a creative form of art performed by individuals or groups that is popular in every circle. Everyone can enjoy it visually with different types of genres. It is disagreed that government investing in pe
Entertainment is one of the important things that all citizen need and it is a government responsability to offer it. Some people think that government do not have spending money on arts like song, music and theater beca
Entertainment is one of the important things that all citizen need and it is a government responsability to offer it. Some people think that government do not have spending money on arts like song, music and theater beca
There is a assortment of evidence that the authorities should finance on civil services rather than in arts industries, show businesses as they affect on wastage of budget. I strictly agree with this fact and i will disc
Some individuals may believe that the government’s investment should not be applied to culture, such as theatre and music, which they see as a waste of money. I totally disagree with this statement because culture has no
It is commonly argued that there are more advantages when living in urban areas compared to rural areas. Personally, I can neither completely agree nor disagree with this statement for a variety of reasons.
Art, music, and theatre play a vital role in showing the cultural heritage of the nation as well as the problems in society, and thus it needs financial support from the government. On the other hand, citizens are dealin
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