IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Some people believe that teaching technology should be focused more compared to the knowledge of other studies, so countries can progress. This essay agrees with the idea because scientific subjects provide a foundation
It is believed that science plays a significant role in boosting the economy and stimulating progress in a homey. Thus, some people think the government should contribute most money and resources to technique education i
The authority should support discipline education with more money rather than other fields for developing the community. I agree with the point below.
In order to improve the country, state bodies should allocate large amounts of funds to
There is a widespread belief that technology plays a vital role in the metabolism of current society. Therefore,there are increasing number of educationalists propose that the official ought to boost funds in the science
News plays a vital role in people's lives. Distribution of news via paper base mode had started way back in history. It is also true that technological advancement has led to digital news distribution. This essay will i
In today's modern world, technology has become the most important part of our life. Our daily routine has become dependent on technology. It has become so important that we have forgotten about the other important thing
In today's modern world, technology has become an integral and the most important part of our life. Our daily routine has become dependent on technology. It has become so important that we have forgot about the other im
It is crucial for the authority to support much budget in science learning rather than others to enhance the country. I would firmly oppose this view because scientific education is extremely necessary to the sustainable
It is often argued that federal investment in education is of paramount importance for a country to develop. While some believe that more funding should be spent on science-based subjects instead of others, I personally
Education in this day and age is indispensable and contributes to the growth and prosperity of a nation. Therefore, countries need to invest heavily in the education sector, because it is a sector that will reap great di
Some people believe that the country should use their budget mostly in teaching science than other subjects to develop their country. By the way, I definitely disagree with this argument because there are several parts t
Some people believe that the country should use their budget mostly in teaching science than other subjects to develop their country. By the way, I definitely disagree to this argument because there are several parts to
One of the heated issues is the government is supposed to outlay more in coaching sciences than other courses in order for land to improve and progress. Some people may think that the regiment should spend on teaching sk
One of the heated issues is the government supposed to outlay more fund in coaching sciences than other courses in order for a land to improve and progress. Some people may think that, government should spend for teachin
Issues related to government investment are frequently discussed these days. It is argued that due to limited government’s funds, learning in science should be supported rather than other material in order to develop the
Today, some people believe that the contribution of science to society as a whole should be prioritized as an educational subject compared to other disciplines such as music, art, etc. It is true that science can bring u
Nowadays, some sections argue that science should be set as a priority to education subjects due to the contribution to the whole society in comparison with the others, such as music, arts and so on. It is true that scie
It is thought by Some that government funding should lay emphasis on teaching science instead of other subject for country growth and development.Although science is important aspect for nation progress but other subject
Science field has developed a lot of essential technology that can be witness in our day-to-day life. Some parts of society opine that government should devote additional funds for teaching science. I somewhat agree with
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