IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The two images display the changes in a village called Stokeford over 80 years of evolution. Overall, it is perceivable that most modifications happened to accommodate the growing population.
The diagrams illustrate the remarkable changes that occurred in a village called Stokeford over an eighty-year period from 1930 to 2010.
The maps show the developments that have taken place in Stokeford over a period of 80 years between 1930 and 2010.
The maps show the changes in the village of Stokeford from 1930 to 2010. This essay covers the changing spaces about both pictures, the comparisons between them and their features.
The maps illustrate changes which were made in 80 years between 1930 and 2010 in Stokeford.
The two maps which are given illustrate the reformation of the village of Stockefort from 1930 to 2010. Overall, on account of expanding the residential area, most of the farmlands replaced by the houses over 80 years.
The given maps demonstrate how a village of Stokeford transformed over a 80-year period from 1930 to 2010. By and large, it is clear that the area underwent significant transformations with the most noticeable changes be
The map above depicts the layout of Stokeford village in 1930 and 2010. It appears that there is a significant change over these years and the population has increased.
The map indicates the change of the village of Stockefort between 1930 and 2010.
The diagrams illustrate the significant developments of the village called Stockefor from 1930 to 2010. Overall, it is evident that the village has witnessed tremendous changes in terms of residential areas and recreatio
The maps illustrate how Stokerford developed over two periods (1930 and 2010). Overall, Stokeford Village transformed from farmland to housing. Furthermore, there have been significant changes in layout and facilities ov
The given maps illustrate the development that takes place in the village of Stockefort in the years 1930 and 2010.
This picture is about the village of stockefort that similar between 1930 and 2010.
The illustration shows the depiction of the Stockefort rural area in two respective years, 1930 and 2010.Overall, it basically shows what exactly has changed over different time periods under consideration, there is most
The given map illustrates the village developments in Stockefort in the years 1930 and 2010.
2 above pictures are showing Stokeford city on the year 1930 and 2010. As it's obvious, various changes had hapened during these 80 years.
The given map delineates some major changes that occurred in the village of Stockfort throughout the year 1930 to 2010
The annotated diagrams depict the transformation of a village in Stockport from 1930 to 2010.
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